Assam has numerous educational institutions with a substantial portion of the population in the 15 to 25 age group in the major towns being computer literate.The state has a literacy rate of 52.89%. The female literacy in this region of 43.03% is higher then the national average of 39.19%. Assam has four universities and one agricultural university. It also has 3 medical colleges and one for aquaculture. With reference to technical education, the state has 4 engineering colleges including an IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), 23 vocational training institutes (ITI), 8 polytechnics and 1 junior technical school. There is a big gap between the national average and state figure in terms of technical education and all efforts are being made to achieve the national average by end of IXth Plan.As per The Assam Private University Act 2007, the following incentives are available to private investors:Legal Coverage provided
University to be self financed
Sponsoring body to estabalish endowment fund of Rs. 10 Million in tribal area and Rs. 20 million in other areas.
Allows campus in the state and study centres at different places In the field of education,
the primary objective of state government is the universalisation of primary education and qualitative improvement of higher education. The number of educational institutions in Assam in the year 2004-05 is listed below:
University to be self financed
Sponsoring body to estabalish endowment fund of Rs. 10 Million in tribal area and Rs. 20 million in other areas.
Allows campus in the state and study centres at different places In the field of education,
the primary objective of state government is the universalisation of primary education and qualitative improvement of higher education. The number of educational institutions in Assam in the year 2004-05 is listed below:
Type of Institution : Number, Teacher, Enrolment
1.University: 5, N.A, 13371
2.Institute of National Importance: 1, N.A, N.A
3.College for General Education
(a) Arts. Science and Commerce College :317, 10462, 370338
(b) Junior College : 125, 1614, 35672
4. College for Professional Education
(a) Agriculture and Forestry : 2, N.A., N.A.
(a) Agriculture and Forestry : 2, N.A., N.A.
(b) Engineering :3, 444, 3810
(c) Law : 20, 166, 7165
(d) Veterinary: 2, 187, 736
(e) Medical College (including) Homeo/ Ayurvedic/Dental/Pharmacy/Nursing : 7, 805, 2556
5. School for General Education
(a) Higher Secondary School: 620, 21201, 515524
(a) Higher Secondary School: 620, 21201, 515524
(b) High/post Basic School : 4629,54224 , 1081585
(c) Middle/Senior Basic School: 8143, 73147, 1106711
(d) Primary/Jr. Basic School: 30068,83720,2624942
(e) Pre-primary/Pre Basic School: 199, 199, 746390
6. Institution for Professional Education :
(Under Graduate)
(a) Polytechnic Institution 8 NA, 4500
(Under Graduate)
(a) Polytechnic Institution 8 NA, 4500
(b) Technical Industrial Arts and Craft School 32, NA, 4560
7. Teachers Training institution
(a) Teachers Training college 40, 340, 2387
(b) Teachers Training School 1, NA, NA
8. School for Vocational Professional, Special and Education.
(a) Commerce 36, 152, 6423
(a) Commerce 36, 152, 6423
(b) Music and Dancing 43, 252, 5492
(c) Arts and Craft 26, 95, 678
(d) Junior Technical 6, 98, 495
(e) Handicapped 5, 98, 555
(f) Juvenile Delinquent (Jail School) 4,5, 189
Source: Statistical Hand Book, Assam, 2006.
Primary education:
For achieving universal elementary education, Sarva Siksha Abhijan (SSA) and other schemes have been started. Some of the important indicators of elementary education are stated below: Total population (2001 census) : 2,66,55,528
Children population 5-13 years: 52,37,964
Children enrolled in schools: 46,28,181
Children out of school:4 ,24,845
Average teacher per school:-
Lower Primary: 3
Upper Primary: 7
Till 2004, Assam has 30068 primary schools and 7704 upper primary schools. Secondary and Higher Secondary education: As on 2004, Assam has 3719 secondary schools and 788 higher secondary schools. During 2003-04, the state government granted an amount of Rs.5 lakh per schools to 20 nos. of govt. high school for renovation of their building. The state also introduced Rajib Gandhi Computer Literary Programme in some higher secondary schools. The state has recently made strides in setting up several high standard institutions to provide education in the field of engineering and management. Assam has an overall literacy rate of 64.28%. While male literacy rate is at 71.93%, the female literacy rate however is only at 56.03%, a cause for concern for the State Government.
Higher Education: At present there are five universities in the state. There are altogether 363 institutions for higher education serving by 12425 nos. of teachers in the state during 2002-03. Out of these institutions there are only four govt. colleges. Technical Education: The technical education is one of the most crucial of resources development. The current courses with intake capacity of some institutions are given below: Sl. No. Institutions Intake capacity Nature of course
Higher Education: At present there are five universities in the state. There are altogether 363 institutions for higher education serving by 12425 nos. of teachers in the state during 2002-03. Out of these institutions there are only four govt. colleges. Technical Education: The technical education is one of the most crucial of resources development. The current courses with intake capacity of some institutions are given below: Sl. No. Institutions Intake capacity Nature of course
1 Two State Engineering Colleges: 510 Degree
2 Regional Engineering College, 50% seats for Assam: 105 Degree
3 Reserved seats in different Engineering Colleges outside Assam : 102 Degree
4 Nine State Polytechnics
(i) 1170 Diploma
(ii) 180 Post Diploma
One important institution in the field of technical education is IIT, Guwahati established in 1994. Adult Education: The state is also emphasizing on adult education with the help of some NGOs and through Total Literacy Campaign (TLC). Literacy Rate (in percent): 1991 Census: 52.89% 2001 Census: 64.28%
Assam has five Universities, four Govt. Engineering colleges and three Govt. Medical colleges
Gauhati University, Guwahati
Gauhati University, Guwahati
Established in 1948 under the Gauhati University Act, 1947 (Assam Act, XVI of 1947), Gauhati University is the first University in North East India.The campus area of the University is lush green and pollution free and the area in and around the Univeristy houses a population of about 5000 including the 3000 students residing in the 22 halls of residence.Facilities such as parks, playgrounds, auditorium, indoor stadium etc. are available in the campus. The University is conveniently located at Jalukbari within the Guwahati city area. It is 10 kms from the Borjhar International Airport on National Highway No. 37 and 10 kms from Guwahati Railway Station. The capital complex of Assam at Dispur is 22 kms away from the University.
Established in 1948 under the Gauhati University Act, 1947 (Assam Act, XVI of 1947), Gauhati University is the first University in North East India.The campus area of the University is lush green and pollution free and the area in and around the Univeristy houses a population of about 5000 including the 3000 students residing in the 22 halls of residence.Facilities such as parks, playgrounds, auditorium, indoor stadium etc. are available in the campus. The University is conveniently located at Jalukbari within the Guwahati city area. It is 10 kms from the Borjhar International Airport on National Highway No. 37 and 10 kms from Guwahati Railway Station. The capital complex of Assam at Dispur is 22 kms away from the University.
Assam University, Silchar
Assam University, Silchar
Assam University came into existence through Assam (Central) University Act, 1989 (Act. No. XIII). It was established in 1994.Since it's inception, the University is steadily becoming an excellent centre of learning. With it's 120 plus multi-disciplinary faculty from all over the country, the University sustains a complete approach to higher education. The University has eight Schools on major disciplines. They are Social Sciences, Humanities, Languages, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Information Sciences and Management Studies. There are 24 Departments under these eight Schools. The campus, situated in Dargakona, about 20 kms from Silchar in South Assam, is set amid scenic hills. The 600 acres of the Univeristy campus is surrounded by lakes and mountains providing an ideal and peaceful environment for academic pursuit.The five districts under the jurisdiction of Assam University have as many as 51 Undergraduate Colleges, which speak of the depth of the intellectual and educational interests in the region.
The Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
The Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
It was established in 1969 under the Assam Agricultural University Act l968 (Assam Act XXIV of l968) vide Governor's notification LJL l8/67/l0 dated the 2nd January l969. The University has ben set up to educate people in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research in agriculture & other allied sciences in addition to undertaking the extension of such sciences specially to the rural people of the state. The University has a number of campuses with its headquarters located at Borbheta, about 5 km from both bus station and railway station of Jorhat town, which is well connected to Guwahati, the capital of Assam by air/bus/train. There are six Directorates under the Assam Agricultural University. They are the Directorate of Research (Agriculture), the Directorate of Research (Veterinary), the Directorate of Extension Education. the Directorate of Post Graduate Studies, the Directorate of Students' Welfare and the Directorate of Physical Plant.
Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh
The easternmost University of India, it was set up in 1965 under the provisions of the Dibrugarh University Act, 1965 enacted by the Assam Legislative Assembly. It is a teaching-cum-affiliating University with limited residential facilities. The University has been accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an institutional score of 71% (B grade). It is a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). The Degrees conferred by this :University are recognised in India and abroad on a reciprocal basis. The University is situated at Rajabheta, about 5 kilometers from Dibrugarh town in the eastern part of Assam and is well linked by road, rail, air and waterways to Guwahati and the rest of the country. The University Campus extends over an area of more than 500 acres of which 60 acres are still covered under tea plantation.The territorial jurisdiction of Dibrugarh University covers seven districts of Upper Assam, Viz., Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Sibsagar, Jorhat, Golaghat, Dhemaji and Lakhimpur.
Tezpur University, Tezpur
Tezpur University, Tezpur
It was established by an Act of Parliament (Act. No. 45, 1993) in 1994. The University is primarily a residential one with the campus spread over an area of 242 acres. It is located at Napaam, about 15 kms. from Tezpur town which is well linked by road and rail with the rest of the state and the country. There is also a bi-weekly flight service between Kolkata and Tezpur. The Student Teacher ratio in this University is one of the lowest in the country, which means closer attention to the student. The average class size is about 25 and hence the classroom environment is entirely cohesive for one-to-one discussions. The Univeristy offers scholarships to the meritorious students in various categories viz. Govt. Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/MOBC students, National Scholarship and Organisational Scholarship such as Williamson Magor’s Scholarship, NEC Scholarship, DBT Scholarship, Jindal Trust Scholarship etc.
It was established by an Act of Parliament (Act. No. 45, 1993) in 1994. The University is primarily a residential one with the campus spread over an area of 242 acres. It is located at Napaam, about 15 kms. from Tezpur town which is well linked by road and rail with the rest of the state and the country. There is also a bi-weekly flight service between Kolkata and Tezpur. The Student Teacher ratio in this University is one of the lowest in the country, which means closer attention to the student. The average class size is about 25 and hence the classroom environment is entirely cohesive for one-to-one discussions. The Univeristy offers scholarships to the meritorious students in various categories viz. Govt. Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/MOBC students, National Scholarship and Organisational Scholarship such as Williamson Magor’s Scholarship, NEC Scholarship, DBT Scholarship, Jindal Trust Scholarship etc.
Latest entrant***
Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University
This open University is established under the provision of the Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Act’ 05 enacted by the Govt. of Assam & published in the Assam Gazette (extraordinary) dt 29/9/05.
The University has been recognised and academic programmes approved by the Distance Education Council (DEC), Govt. of India vide letter no. DEC/Misei/07/5957 dated 03-10-07.
The jurisdiction of the University covers the whole of the State of Assam and beyond. The motto of the University is ‘Education Beyond Barriers’ of age, academic background and geographical boundaries.
The Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University are as follows:
Chancellor :Lt. General (Retd.) Ajai Singh, PVSM, AVSM,His Excellency the Governor of Assam
Vice-Chancellor :Prof. Srinath Baruah
University Address :K K Handique State Open UniversityDispur, Guwahati (India)
The University has been recognised and academic programmes approved by the Distance Education Council (DEC), Govt. of India vide letter no. DEC/Misei/07/5957 dated 03-10-07.
The jurisdiction of the University covers the whole of the State of Assam and beyond. The motto of the University is ‘Education Beyond Barriers’ of age, academic background and geographical boundaries.
The Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University are as follows:
Chancellor :Lt. General (Retd.) Ajai Singh, PVSM, AVSM,His Excellency the Governor of Assam
Vice-Chancellor :Prof. Srinath Baruah
University Address :K K Handique State Open UniversityDispur, Guwahati (India)
University site : http://www.kkhsou.org/
Assam Engineering College,Guwahati
Assam Engineering College,Guwahati
Bordered by the Deepor Beel, a vast natural Wetland now declared a bird sanctuary, and set amidst the lush green hills on the outskirts of Guwahati city, Assam Engineering College campus offers a tranquil and pollution free environment conducive to study.Established in the year 1955, this is the first undergraduate engineering college in northeastern India and has been the hub of many intellectual and extra-curricular activities in Assam for almost half a century. The discpilines of engineering offered by this college are Civil, Chemical, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications, Industrial & Production, Instrumentation and Mechanical. It also offers a three year post-graduate course leading to a Masters in Computer Applications (MCA) degree.
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
This premier institute of engineering, science and technology is the sixth member of the IIT fraternity established in the year 1994. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, currently has eleven departments covering all the major engineering and science disciplines, offering B. Tech., B. Des., M. Tech., Ph.D. and M.Sc. programmes. Within a short period of time, IIT Guwahati has been able to build upthe necessary infrastructure for carrying out advanced research and has been equipped with state-of-the-art scientific and engineering instruments. Located on a sprawling 285 hectares plot of land on the north bank of the river Brahmaputra, it is about 20 kms. from the heart of Guwahati city. Beautifully set in an ambience perfect for learning with the majestic Brahmaputra on one side and lush hills and vast open spaces on the others, the infrastrucutre boasts of state of the art facilties.
Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat
Was established in the year 1960. The College is affiliated to the Dibrugarh University and is also recognized by A.I.C.T.E.. It offers Undergraduate Courses in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering. Post Graduate Courses offered are Master of Computer Applications (MCA) and Production & Industrial Engineering.The college is located at a distance of 3 km from Jorhat Town and 8 km from Jorhat Airport. Jorhat is well connected to Guwahati and the rest of the country by bus, road, rail and air.
National Institute of Technology, Silchar
Established in the year 1967, this college is affiliated to the Assam Univeristy (a central university under ACT Xlll). Located in Silchar, in the Cachar district of Assam, the campus is set amidst a peaceful, green and pollution free environment. REC Silchar maintains a high degree of quality in the field of engineering and sciences. Along with teaching, sponsored projects are carried out by the faculty and students in addition to offering consultancy to the industries in that region
Latest Entrant:
Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Management and Technology, Guwahati
Azara, Hatkhowapara
Pin Code: 781017
Pin Code: 781017
Establishment: 2006
Institution Type: Private College
Recognition: Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi; AICTE Region: Eastern
Institution Type: Private College
Recognition: Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi; AICTE Region: Eastern
courses offered by the institution :
Computer Science & Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Electronics & Communication Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Information Technology - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Mechanical Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 7; 60 seats for 2007-08
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2007-08
Computer Science & Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Electronics & Communication Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Information Technology - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08
Mechanical Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake: 7; 60 seats for 2007-08
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - AICTE Approved Intake: 60 seats for 2007-08
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh
Assam Medical College was formally established on November 3, 1947 at Dibrugarh. It was earlier known as Dr. John Berry White Medical School, which was established in 1902. It has the distiction of being the first medical college in the entire North-eastern region of India. It now serves as the tertiary medical referral centre for the entire upper Assam as well as the some areas of neighbouring states, especially Arunachal Pradesh.The college is set in the midst of several tea estates and the buildings are remnants of the original British architecture, although several new constructions have come up recently under the joint collaboration of both the North Eastern Council and State Government to upgrade the college to a premier medical institution once again. In addition to the medical courses, also available are paramedical courses, viz. Nursing and Midwifery and Diploma in Pharmacy.
Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati
With increasing demands for health care and health education, the need for more medical colleges in Assam was keenly felt. On the 20th September, 1960, the functioning of the Gauhati Medical College was formally inaugurated. Affiliated to the Gauhati University, The Gauhati Medical College has enjoyed a prestigious status in the country for its academic pursuits and patient care. It is also a referral centre for speciality and superspeciality treatment. Superspecialities provided are Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Urology, Paediatric Surgery and Plastic Surgery.
With increasing demands for health care and health education, the need for more medical colleges in Assam was keenly felt. On the 20th September, 1960, the functioning of the Gauhati Medical College was formally inaugurated. Affiliated to the Gauhati University, The Gauhati Medical College has enjoyed a prestigious status in the country for its academic pursuits and patient care. It is also a referral centre for speciality and superspeciality treatment. Superspecialities provided are Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Urology, Paediatric Surgery and Plastic Surgery.
Silchar Medical College & Hospital, Silchar
Silchar Medical College & Hospital, Silchar
The Silchar Medical College and Hospital was established in the year 1968. Since its inception, the SMC Hospital has been serving the entire southern part of Assam and its neighbouring states like Mizoram, North Tripura, West Manipur and South Meghalaya. The Silchar Medical College & Hospital remains the only referral hospital in the southern part of Assam. In 1977-78, the main hospital building complex at its permanent site was commissioned and this huge three-storied hospital building houses it's many departments including their out-patient departments (O.P.D.), wards, operation theatres, x-rays centres, laboratory facilities etc.
Other institutions for professional education :
Homeopathic Colleges in Assam
Dr.J.K.Saikia Govt.Homoeopathic Medical College
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh)
Near Gymkhana Club Road, Distt
Courses : B.H.M.S.
2. Assam Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
(Affiliated to Guwahati University, Guwahati)
Mull Singh Road, Lakhingar P.O. Haibergaon,
Dist. Nagaon-782 002.
Courses : B.H.M.S.
3. Swahid Jadav Nath Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College
(Affiliated to Guwahati University, Guwahati)
Vill. Bagharbari, P.O. Khanapara,
Guwahati-781 002
Courses : B.H.M.S
Ayurvedic Colleges in Assam
Government Ayurvedic College
(Affiliated to Guwahati University, Guwahati)
P.O.Guwahati University,
Jalukbari,Guwahati – 781 014(Assam)
Courses:Ayurvedacharya, Ayurved Vachaspati,
Kayachikitsa, Ay. Siddhant & Darshan.
No. of seats: 50
Law Colleges in Assam
1. Assam University (School of Social Sciences)
Silchar - 788 011, Assam
Phone : 91-03842-270801, 270806
Fax : 91-03842-270802, 270849
Email : aulib@sancharnet.in
Website : http://www.assamuniversity.nic.in
Course : BA. LLB
2. Bongaigaon Law College (BCI Approved)
Bongaigaon Assam
Courses: LL.B 3 Years and 5 Years
3. Dispur Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Gopal Boro HS Buildings, Ganeshguri,
Guwahati- 6
Phone: 0361-2564475
4. Gauhati University (Faculty of Law)
(BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Guwahati- 781014, Assam, INDIA
Phone : +91-361-2671152, 2671220,2671152, 2671220
Website : http://www.gu.nic.in
Course : LLM, Ph.D.
5. A.K. Chanda Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Assam University)
Silchar, 3 Cachar Assam
Course : LLB
6. Barpeta Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Dist:Barpeta P.O:Barpeta - 781301 (Assam)
Course : LLB
7. Dhubri Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Dhubri 783301 Assam
Course : LLB
8. D H S K Law College
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Dibrugarh Assam
Course : LLB
9. Diphu Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Assam University)
Diphu, Karbi Anglong
10. Dr R K Barua Law College
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Dibrugarh Assam
11. Gengaigaon Law College
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
12. Goalpara Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Goalpara, Assam
13. Golaghat Law College
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Golaghat, Assam
14. Govt B R M Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Kamrup, Assam
15. J B Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Kamrup, Assam
16. Jorhat Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Jorhat, Assam
17. Karimganj Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Assam University)
18. Kokrajhar Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Kokrajhar 783370
Courses: LL.B 3 year
19. Mangaldai Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Mangaldai Assam
20. North Lakhimpur Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Lakhimpur, Assam
21. Nowgong Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Nowgong, Assam
22. Nalbari Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
Nalbari Assam
Courses: LL.B 3 years
23. Sibsagar Law College
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Sibsagar, Assam
24. Tinsukia Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)
Tinsukhia, Assam
25. Tezpur Law College, Tezpur (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University)
P.O.Napaam Sonitpur Assam 784 028
Email: tryniam@yahoo.com
Website: http://tezu.ernet.in/
Mass Communication Colleges in Assam
1. Assam University ( School of Information Sciences)
Silchar - 788 011, Assam
Phone : 91-03842-270801, 270806
Fax : 91-03842-270802, 270849
Email : aulib@sancharnet.in
Website : http://www.assamuniversity.nic.in
Course : MMC (Mass Communication)
2. Gauhati University (Department of Journalism & Mass Communication)
Guwahati- 781014, ASSAM, INDIA
Phone : +91-361-2671152, 2671220, 2671152, 2671220
Website : http://www.gu.nic.in
Course : BCJ (Post Graduate ), Ph.D.
3. National Education Foundation
G.S. Road, Near Bora Service, Ulubari,
Guwahati-781007, Assam, India
Phone : 91-0361-2523372, 2452424, 2458575, 2458576
Fax : 91-0361-2452424
E-Mail : director@nefcollege.org
Website : http://www.nefcollege.org
Course : BJMC
4. Tezpur University (Department of Mass Communication & Journalism)
Napaam, Sonitpur,
Tezpur : 784028, Assam, India
Phone : 03712-267254 (0)
E-Mail : uttamkp@tezu.ernet.in
Website : www.tezu.ernet.in
Course : Master's in Mass Communication & Journalism
Hotel Management Colleges in Assam
1. Food Craft Institute
Beltola Basistha Road, Ajanta Path, P.O. Beltola, Guwahati 781028 (Assam)
2. Institute of Hotel Management
G.S.Road, Bhangagarh,
Guwahati – 781005
Phone: 0361-2452273
E-Mail: ihmctanghy@hotmail.com
Courses: Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Hotel Administration
Architecture Colleges in Assam
1.Guwahati College of Architecture
(AICTE Approved)
(Affiliated to Guwahati University Guwahati)
101, Dona Towers, G.S.Road, Guwahati-781005 (Assam)
Tel: 0361-2599087
Telefax: 0361-2547022
E-mail: guw_archcollege@rediffmail.com,guw_archcollege@rediffmail.com,abani@bom3.vsnl.net.in
Courses : B.Arch.
Research Centres in Assam
Regional Research Laboratory
P.O. JORHAT 785006 (Assam)
EPABX lines: 0376-2370117, 2370121, and 2370139
Fax: 2370011 (Director)
Reception EPABX/2213
Biotechnology Colleges in Assam
1. Assam Agricultural University (faculty of Agriculture)
Jorhat Assam - 785 013
Phone : 0376 2340001/13
Course : B.Sc. (Agri. Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Agri. Biotech.)
Website : http://www.aau.ac.in
2. Biswanath College of Agriculture
Course : B.Sc. (Agri. Biotechnology)
3. Assam University ( School of Life Sciences)
Silchar - 788 011, Assam
Phone : 91-03842-270801, 270806
Fax : 91-03842-270802, 270849
Email :aulib@sancharnet.in
Website : http://www.assamuniversity.nic.in
Course : M.Sc. (Biotech.)
4.Gauhati University (Department of Biotechnology)
Guwahati- 781014, Assam
Phone : 91-361-2570231
Fax : 91-361-2570133
Email : giasuddinahmed@hotmail.com
Website : www.gubiotech.org
Course : M.Sc., Ph.D. (Biotech.) ; Food Biotechnology
5. Tezpur University
Napaam, Tezpur – 784025, Assam
Course : MSc. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
6. Pandu College (Department of Biotechnology)
Guwahati -781 012, Assam, India.
Phone : 0361 - 2570450, 2673698
Fax : 0361 – 2570450
Email : info@panducollege.org
Website : http://panducollege.org
7. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
(Department of Biotechnology)
Guwahati 781039 Assam, India
Phone : +91 - 361 – 2583000
Fax : +91 - 361 – 2690762
Email : pro [AT] iitg.ernet.in
Website : http://www.iitg.ernet.in
Course : B.Tech. & Ph. D. in Biotechnology
Polytechnics in Assam:
(1) Assam Engineering Institute, Chandmari, Guwahati - 781003, Ph- 0361 - 2550852.
(1) Assam Engineering Institute, Chandmari, Guwahati - 781003, Ph- 0361 - 2550852.
(2) Girls' Polytechnic, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati- 781021, Ph-0361-2550208.
(3) Assam Textile Institute, Ambari, Guwahati-781001, Ph- 0361- 2544116.
(4) Nowgong Polytechnic, Nogong-782001, Ph- 03672- 2540320.
(5) H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jorhat-785001, Ph-0376-2320074.
(6) Dibrugarh Polytechnic, Lahowal, Dibrugarh- 786010, Ph-0373- 2381749.
(7) Silchar Polytechnic, Mehepur, Silchar- 788005, Ph- 03842-240273.
(8) Bongaigaon Polytechnic, Bongaigaon-783380, Ph-03664-228997.
(9) Residential Girls' Polytechnic, Golaghat-785621, Ph-03774-284548.
(10) Junior Technical School, Goalpara-783121, Ph-03663-240139.
(11) Junior Technical School, Sivasaghar, Assam, Ph-03772-22602.
1.Assam Engineering Institute, Guwahati
Chandmari, M.R.D. Road,
P.O. Silpukhuri, Guwahati 781 003, Kamrup
Established in 1948.
Courses Offered:
Chemical Engineering---30 seats
Civil Engineering ----90 seats
Computer Engineering---30 seats
Electrical Engineering--30 seats
Mechanical Engineering--30 seats
Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.--30 seats
P. D. in Computer Application--30 seats
Automobile Engineering--30 seats
Mechatronics ----------20 seats
Chemical Engineering---30 seats
Civil Engineering ----90 seats
Computer Engineering---30 seats
Electrical Engineering--30 seats
Mechanical Engineering--30 seats
Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.--30 seats
P. D. in Computer Application--30 seats
Automobile Engineering--30 seats
Mechatronics ----------20 seats
2.Padmashhree Chandraprabha Saikiani Girl's Polytechnic
(Formerly Girl's Polytechnic)
Bamuni Maidan, Beltola, Guwahati 781 021Kamrup (M)
Established in 1964
Courses offered :
Architectural Assistantship ------- 30 seats
Civil Engineering & Planning ------- 30 seats
Civil Engineering & Planning ------- 30 seats
Modern Office Management ------- 30 seats
Computer Engineering & Appl. ---- 30 seats
3.Assam Textile Institute, Guwahati
Ambaari, Guwahati Dist. Kamrup, Assam 781001
Established in 1920.
Course(s) Offered: Textile Technology, Garment Technology, Fashion Technology
Course offered: Diploma in Textile Technology
4. Nowgong Polytechnic
Poly Road, Nowgong 782 001
Established in 1961.
Courses offered :
Civil Engineering------- 60 seats
Electrical Engineering ------- 30 seats
Mechanical Engineering ------- 30 seats
Computer Engineering ------- 20 seats
5.H. R. H. The Prince of Wales Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jorhat
5.H. R. H. The Prince of Wales Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jorhat
Prince Of Wales institute is located at the heart of Jorhat town. It was Established in 1927. The Institute has 31 acres of beautiful campus with a congenial academic atmosphere. The Institute is fully Govt. funded and is affiliated to State Council for Technical Education, Assam and under the control of Directorate of Technical Education, Assam. At present the institute offers 3 years full time Diploma courses in seven disciplines.
Civil Engineering----------------------60 Seats
Electrical Engineering ---------------- 35 Seats
Mechanical Engineering -------------- 35 Seats
Agricultural Engineering --------------30 Seats
Automobile Engineering ------------- 30 Seats
Electronics & Teleco. Engineering ----30 Seats
Instrumentation Technology ---------30 Seats
TOTAL ================ 250 Seats
Students of 10 plus, 10-2 with minimum qualifying marks of 45% in Mathematics and Science in HSLC are selected through Polytechnic Admission Test(PAT) conducted by Directorate of Technical Education, Assam.The Institute offers co-educational facility and provides all courses under Multi-point Entry and Credit System(MPECS), which allows a student to enter a course on a credit scale based on their entry qualifications.Exemptions is granted to those students who have already passed the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English in HSSLC or equivalent examinations in Science stream in a single sitting. They need not appear again in these four subjects in the Polytechnic examinations. Further, it allows students to choose courses of their own choice.
Principal, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Instt. of Engg. & Technology,
Gar-ali, Charai Bahi
Jorhat, Assam, India . 785 001.
Phone : 91-376-320074(O/R)/330109(o)
Fax : 91-376-328557(O)
e-mail : powiet@gw1.dot.net.in
Principal, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Instt. of Engg. & Technology,
Gar-ali, Charai Bahi
Jorhat, Assam, India . 785 001.
Phone : 91-376-320074(O/R)/330109(o)
Fax : 91-376-328557(O)
e-mail : powiet@gw1.dot.net.in
6.Dibrugarh Polytechnic
Lahowal, Dibrugarh 786 010, Dibrugarh
Established in 1965.
Course(s) Offered: Diplomas in
Civil Engineering --40 Seats
Mechanical Engineering--30 Seats
Electrical Engineering--30 Seats
Mining Engineering--15 Seats
Tea Technology--15 Seats
Information Technology--15 Seats
Electronics & Telecom. Engg.--15 Seats
7.Silchar Polytechnic
Meharpur, Silchar 788 015, Cachar
Established in 1960
Civil Engineering ---90 seats
Electrical Engineering---30 seats
Mechanical Engineering ---40 seats
Electronics & Telecomm Engg. ---20 seats
8.Bongaigaon Polytechnic
Goal Para, Bongaigaon 783380
Established in 1986.
Course(s) Offered:
1. Diploma in Automobile Engineering --15 seats
2. Diploma in Civil Engineering --60 Seats
3. Diploma in Electrical Engineering -- 15 seats
8.Bongaigaon Polytechnic
Goal Para, Bongaigaon 783380
Established in 1986.
Course(s) Offered:
1. Diploma in Automobile Engineering --15 seats
2. Diploma in Civil Engineering --60 Seats
3. Diploma in Electrical Engineering -- 15 seats
9.Residential Girls' Polytechnic, Pulibor
Pandit Hemchandra Goswami PathPulibor, Moukhua 785 621, Golaghat
Established in 1991.
Courses offered:
Textile Chemistry & Design ---30 Seats
Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering ---30 Seats
Jyoti Chitraban Film and Television Institute, Guwahati
Kahilipara, Guwahati 781 019, Kamrup
Established in 1999
Courses offered :
Audiography & Sound Engineering --- 11 seatsFilm & Video Editing --- 11 seats
Motion Picture Photography --- 11 seats
Jyoti Chitraban Film and Television Institute, Guwahati
Kahilipara, Guwahati 781 019, Kamrup
Established in 1999
Courses offered :
Audiography & Sound Engineering --- 11 seatsFilm & Video Editing --- 11 seats
Motion Picture Photography --- 11 seats
Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Guwahati
National Highway No.37, Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara
Guwahati 781 022, Kamrup
Eastablished in 1982.
Courses offered: Handloom Technology ---30 seats
College of Home Science, Jorhat
College of home science,
Assam agricultural university,
Jorhat , Assam
Website: http://www.aau.ac.in/
The Assam Agricultural University was established in 1969 under the Assam Agricultural University Act 1968
Course(s) Offered: M.Sc Nutrition and Dietetics
a) M.Sc Food and Nutrition
Eligibility:B.Sc home science .
Duration :2 years
Institution of Engineers , Guwahati
Institution of Engineers Building, 1st Floor,
Panbazar Over Bridge East Lane, Guwahati 781001
Computer Science,
Electronics and Electrical Communication,
Mechanical Engg.
Institution of Engineers , Guwahati
Institution of Engineers Building, 1st Floor,
Panbazar Over Bridge East Lane, Guwahati 781001
Computer Science,
Electronics and Electrical Communication,
Mechanical Engg.
Dr.B.Barooah Cancer Institute (BBCI), Gauhati
Dr.B.Barooah Cancer Institute (BBCI), Gauhati was set up in 1974 as a private Institute by voluntary organization for the treatment of cancer patients. It was the first and only Institute of this kind in the entire North Eastern Region. It was recognized by the Central Government as Regional Institute of Cancer Treatment and Research in 1980 and taken over by the Government of Assam in 1986. In August 1989, the State Government of Assam entered into an Agreement with NEC and the Department of Atomic Energy (Tripartite Agreement) with the objective of the mobilizing resources for the development of the Institute. In pursuance of this Agreement, Plan of Action, detailed Revitalization Plan, Phase-I was prepared and implemented from 1989 onwards at an approved cost of Rs.8.62 crores which was completed by March, 1995. However, since the project could not achieve the desired objective during this period and the Institute required further development for rendering adequate service to the cancer patients, the Tripartite Agreement was further renewed on 9th October, 1997 and the Revitalization Plan, Phase-II is under operation. The sharing pattern of non-recurring expenditure is 45% each by the NEC and the Department of Atomic Energy and 10% by the Government of Assam.
The funding pattern of non-recurring expenditure is 33.33% each amongst NEC, DAE and the Government of Assam. At present, 85 beds are available in the Hospital which will be upgraded to 250. The revised costs for the project is Rs.13.12 crores for Phase I and Rs.43.61 crores for Phase II.
The funding pattern of non-recurring expenditure is 33.33% each amongst NEC, DAE and the Government of Assam. At present, 85 beds are available in the Hospital which will be upgraded to 250. The revised costs for the project is Rs.13.12 crores for Phase I and Rs.43.61 crores for Phase II.
Regional Dental College, Guwahati
Regional Dental College, Guwahati-781 032
It is a recognised Govt. college.
Courses Offered: BDS(20 seats)
Qualification Required: 10 +2 pattern in Science group
Regional Nursing College, Guwahati
Regional Nursing College, Guwahati
The Regional College of Nursing, Guwahati is the only institute of its only kind in the North Eastern Region which has been established in 1977 to impart nursing education to the 7 states of NER. This Institute has been receiving financial assistance from NEC since 6th Plan onwards for development and expansion.
The Institute is imparting nursing courses for B.Sc Degree and has an intake capacity of 50. It is proposed to introduce a P.G. Course in nursing and admission capacity for the girl students of Assam and other North Eastern States are proposed to be increased. Till today more than 450 students became graduate and are rendering their services in different parts of North Eastern Region. The Institute is affiliated to the Guwahati University and permanently recognised by the Indian Nursing Council. The proposal for upgradation of the Institute for offering P.G courses has been approved under NEC for the IX Plan. The components of NEC's support would be (a) Construction of college building and teaching block, (b) Construction of 100 seated hostel (c) Salary for addl. staff and (d) Books, journals and furniture.
J.K Saikia Homeopathic College, Jorhat
Homoeopathy Medicine is another popular discipline recognised by Government of India by a Parliament Act known as 'Central Council of Homoeopathy Act 1973'. Unfortunately development is Homoeopathy manpower is grossly lacking in the entire north east region with only few recognised institute situated at Jorhat, Nagaon, Guwahati, Assam which had been taken over by Government of Assam during 1988-89. Dr.J.K.Saikia Homoeopathy Medicine College has already got the provisional permission for admission in degree courses by Government of Assam and got recognised by Central Council of Homoeopathy during the year 1995-96. This College is proposed to be developed as a Regional College of Homoeopathy with minimum 30 admissions per year. In order to do so NEC will extend the necessary financial support for the College to be developed so as it acts as a model institute to serve the purpose for development of skilled manpower in the discipline in the entire north east region:
The objectives of the institute are -
The institute will impart Degree courses to the suitable candidates of north east region.
It will engage itself in further developmental research activities.
Training to the inservice personnels as well as Para-Medicals in the line to give self-sufficiency for the entire north east region.
Ayurvedic Government College, Jalukbari
Ayurvedic Government College, Jalukbari
Ayurvedic Medicine is one of the major components of Indian system of medicine and is very popular among the general population and it can be introduced and practised here in the north east region by virtue of its easy availability by different laboratories. The required herbal treasure is found abundantly in the region and is traditionally used in curing many diseases. There is however no recognised Institute in the region except Government Ayurvedic College, Guwahati which had been established during the year 1948. The College has been imparting BAMS degree duly recognised by the Central Council of India medicine and the College has also an attached 100 bedded hospital with different wings. As per latest report availabale, so far 1500 Ayurvedic Doctors have graduated from and been trained by this College.
The College is presently in a dilapidated condition and therefore, there is a justifiable need for financial support from NEC. There is also a need to bring the College to a level whereby PG Courses can be introduced with research facilities to make it an ideal research institute which will be of great help to the entire NE Region. The NEC's funding towards infrastructure development is being considered in view of increasing the number of seats in degree course from present 50 to 75 and atleast 10 in PG Course.
Sankardeva Netralaya Hospital, Guwahati
Sankardeva Netralaya Hospital, Guwahati
Shri Sankaradeva Netralaya (SSN) located at Beltola, Guwahati is a high-tech Eye Hospital of the North East functioning from 14th October, 1994. It is a unit of Shri Kanchi Shankara Health and Educational Foundation, a Charitable Trust registered in Assam on 13.1.1994. It operates with technical collaboration with the Sankar Netralaya and Medical Research Foundation, Chennai. The SSN is governed by a Board of Trustees. In keeping with the objective of the Shri Kanchi Health & Medical Foundation the SSN, Guwahati has been providing highest quality eye-care to all patients attending the hospital, up-to-date training facilities to different eye health-care professionals, quality service free of cost to the poor and eye-care services in rural centres periodically amongst other related activities. The SSN, obtains assistance mostly by way of donations from philanthropists of the region, Govt. of Assam, Tea Companies, Charitable Trusts, Corporate Bodies and even individuals. Not with-standing the donations, the SSN has had a felt-need for obtaining substantial assistance from governmental sources to upgrade and expand its infrastructure and commitantly eye-care facilities including free treatment to an extent for the indigent members of the public from the North East.
Within the scope of its above-referred objectives, it has been decided that financial assistance will be extended to SSN, Guwahati by NEC during the 9th Five Year Plan period. The assistance will augment its equipment facilities and to a larger extent facilitate the construction of civil works.
Within the scope of its above-referred objectives, it has been decided that financial assistance will be extended to SSN, Guwahati by NEC during the 9th Five Year Plan period. The assistance will augment its equipment facilities and to a larger extent facilitate the construction of civil works.
National College of Alternative Medicines, Sivasagar
National College of Alternative Medicines, Sivasagar
Accredited Assam Council of Alter systems of Medicines, Sivasagar.
Address For Communication :
West Jamuna road, New Colony, ward No II
P.O. & dist : Sivasagar
Pin – 785650 (ASSAM)
Phone : (03772) 224667.
Course offered :
DIMY (Diploma of Integrated Medicines YAMANEHPATHIC)
BIMY (Bachelor of Integrated Medicines YAMANEHPATHIC)
MIMY ( Master of Integrated Medicines YAMANEHPATHIC)
All are three years course with six months Housemanship, Six months Internship and Viva-voce for Final certificate R.M.P.
Para-Medical Courses:
1. Nutrition,Dieteties And------One Year-------Diploma in DNHE
Health Education
2. Nurshing -------------------One Year--------Diploma in Nurshing
3. Hospital Administration-----One Year--------PG Diploma
4. Acupuncture----------------One Year-------Diploma in Acupuncture (Dac)
5. Acupressure----------------One Year-------Diploma in Acupressure (Dacup)
6. Laboratory Technician------One Year-------Certificate Course in Lab. Tech.
Educational Qualification required:
H.S.L.C/H.S.S.L.C/ Graduate or equivalent from recognised institute in any discipline.
Fees :
Admission Fees --- Rs. 2000/- Monthly Fees ----- Rs. 300/-
2. Nurshing -------------------One Year--------Diploma in Nurshing
3. Hospital Administration-----One Year--------PG Diploma
4. Acupuncture----------------One Year-------Diploma in Acupuncture (Dac)
5. Acupressure----------------One Year-------Diploma in Acupressure (Dacup)
6. Laboratory Technician------One Year-------Certificate Course in Lab. Tech.
Educational Qualification required:
H.S.L.C/H.S.S.L.C/ Graduate or equivalent from recognised institute in any discipline.
Fees :
Admission Fees --- Rs. 2000/- Monthly Fees ----- Rs. 300/-
Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, (IIE), Guwahati
With an aim to undertake training, research and consultancy activities in the small industry sector focusing on entrepreneurship development, the Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) was established in the year 1993 at Guwahati by the erstwhile Ministry of Industry (now Ministry of Small Scale Industry) , Government of India as an autonomous national institute. The institute started its operations from April 1994 with North East Council (NEC) ,Govts of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland and SIDBI as other stakeholders.The policy direction and guidance is provided to the Institute by its Board of Management whose Chairman is the Secretary to the Government of India , Ministry of Small Scale Industries. The governing council of the institute is headed by Chairman, NEC and the Executive Committee is headed by the Secretary SSI & ARI, Govt. of India.The Institute is located at Lalmati, Basistha Charili, 37 NH bypass. It is 5 km from Dispur Capital complex ,10 km from Railway Station and 30 km from LGBI Airport.
The activities of the Institute include identification of training needs, designing and organizing programmers both for development functionaries and entrepreneurs; evolving effective training strategies and methodologies for different target groups and locations; organize seminars, workshops and conferences for providing fora for interaction and exchange of views by various agencies and entrepreneurs; undertaking research on entrepreneurship development, documenting and disseminating information needed for policy formulation and implementation on self-employment and entrepreneurship.The Institute acts as a catalyst for entrepreneurship development by creating an environment for entrepreneurship in the support system, developing new entrepreneurship, helping in the growth of existing entrepreneurs and propagation of entrepreneurial education
Assam Institute of Management (AIM)
Assam Institute of Management (AIM)
Navagiri Road, Chandmari, Guwahati-781003
PGDM 120
North Eastern Regional Institute of Management (NERIM)
North Eastern Regional Institute of Management (NERIM)
Parukutti Bhavan, Nabin Nagar, RGB Road Guwahati, Assam, India, Pin-781024
M.B.A 60
Tel: 91-361- 453293/ 452450/453437
E-mail: mailto:nerimindia@hotmail.com
Tezpur university School of Management Science
P.O.Box-72, Tezpur 784001, Distt. Sonitpur (Assam)
M.B.A 60
Tel: 03712-267007 Web:http://www.tezu.ernet.in/
Department of Business Administration, GU
Department of Business Administration, GU
Gopinath Bardoloai Nagar, Guwahati 781014 (Assam) M.B.A 30
National Education Foundation(NEF)
National Education Foundation(NEF)
G.S. Road, Near Bora Service, Guwahati- 781007 (Assam).
Tel : 452424, 523372
Fax : 0361-452424
List fo colleges are (In alphabetical Order)
List fo colleges are (In alphabetical Order)
A L Choudhury CollegeAffiliated to Assam University,Algapur, Hailakandi Courses offered : LLB
Amguri College,Affiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityAmguriCourses offered: BA
A Swahind Pedi Phukan CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityNamti
Abhayapuri CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityAbhayapuri, BongaigaonCourses offered: BA.
Anandram Dhekial Phukon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong.Courses offered: BA, BSc.BA
B N College of AgriculturalAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityViswanatha Chariall, SonitpurCourses offered: B.Sc
Bh. B CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySarupeta, BarpetaCourses offered: BA.
B N CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP 0 Dhubri, DhubriCourses offered: BA, BSc.
B P Chaliha CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNagarbera, DisH. KamrupCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Bagdhar Brahma Krishan CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityJalah, Jalghat
Bajali College, PathsalaAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBaxpetaCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Baosal B K K CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpeta, NagaonCourses offered: BA.
Bapujee CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySarthebari, Dist BarpetaCourses offered: PUC / B.A.
Barama CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNalbari, BaramaCourses offered: BA.
Barbhag CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Kalag, KamrupCourses offered: BA
Barnagar College SorbhogAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpetaCourses offered: BA
Barpeta Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpetaCourses offered: LLB
Barpeta Road Howly CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHowly, BarpetaCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Bijni CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bijni, Distt KorkajharCourses offered: BA.
Bilasipara CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBilasipara, DhuberiCourses offered: BA
Biswanath CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBiswanath Chariali SonitpurCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Bongaigaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bongaigaon, BongaigaonCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Banskandi CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityCachar
Badarpur Women's CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBadarpur
Bokajan CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBokajan
Chargola College Public CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
College of Fisheries SciencesAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityRahaCourses offered: B.F.Sc
Chaiduar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGohpur, SonitpurCourses offered: BA
Chhayagaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, ChhayagaonCourses offered: BA
Chilarai CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGolokganjCourses offered: BA.
D D R CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityChabuaCourses offered: BA.
Demow CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDemowCourses offered: BA.
D K D CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDergaon, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Debraj Roy CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversitySidsagar.Courses offered: BA, BSc.
Dhemaji CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityAkemajiCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Dom Dooma CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDoom Dooma.Courses offered: BA, BCom.
Duliajan CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDuliaianCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Dikhowmukh CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversitySibiagarCourses offered: BA.
Diphu B.Ed. CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityP O DiphuCourses offered: B.Ed
Diphu Law CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityP O DiphuCourses offered: LLB
Diphu Girls' CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityDharamtala, P O Diphu
Diphu Govt CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityDiphuCourses offered : BA,BCom, BSc-(P/Hons)
Gargaon CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityPO Simalugura, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BCom, MCom.
Golaghat Commerce CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityJyoti Nagar, GolaghatCourses offered: BA, BCom, MCom.
Gogamukh CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityGogamukh. Dist, DhemajiCourses offered: BA.
H P B Girls CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityGolaghatCourses offered: BA.
H C D G CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityNitaipukhuri, SibsagarCourses offered: BA.
Haflong Govt. CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHaflongCourses offered: BA, BSc
Hailakandi Women's CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHailakandi
Hailakandi B.Ed. CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityNazarul Sarani
Howraghat CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHowraghat
J B Hagjer CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityUmrangso
Janata CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKabuganj
J B CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhatCourses offered: BA, BCom, BSc.
Jengraimukh CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJengraimukh, MajuliCourses offered: BA.
Jhanjhi H N S CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJhanjiCourses offered: BA, BCom.
J D S G CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityBokakhatCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Jorha Amalgamated CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhat
Jorhat CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhatCourses offered: BA.
Kapila CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKheroni
Karimganj Law CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
Karimganj CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
Kamargaon CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityKamargaon, GolaghatCourses offered: BA
Lala Rural CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityLala
M C D CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversitySonaimukh
M K Dey CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityArnraghat
Maibang Degree CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityMaibang
Moinul Hoque Science Memorial CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHailakandi
Majuli CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityKamalbari, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Mariani CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityMarianiCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Margherit CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityMargheritaCourses offered: BA.
Moran CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityMoran, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Murkong Selek CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJonaiCourses offered: BA
Nehru CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityPailapool
Nilam Bazar CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityMaibang
Naharkatiya CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityNaharkatiyaCourses offered: BA, BCom.
N N Saikia CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTitaborCourses offered: BA, BSc.
North Bank CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityGhilamaraCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Namrup CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityNamrupCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Patharkandi CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityPatharkandi
Postgraduate Training CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhatCourses offered: BEd
Rangsina CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityPatharkandi
Rangsina CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityDonkamukam
Rukasen CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBakalia
Ramakrishna CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityRamakrishnanagar
R S Girls CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
S S CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHailakandiCourses offered: BA, B.Sc
S C Dey CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKalinagar
S K Roy CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKatlicherra
S M Dev CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityLakhipur
S R CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKalain
Swami Vivekananda CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityChandkhira
Sadiya CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySadiyaCourses offered: BA
Sarupathar CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySarupatharCourses offered: BA.
Science CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityCheniamaguriCourses offered: BSc.
Sibsagar CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Sibsagar Commmerce CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySibsagarCourses offered: BCom.
Sibsagar Girls CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Silapathar CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySilapatharCourses offered: BA.
Sonari CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySonariCourses offered: BA.
Swahid Maniram Devan CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityCharing. P O Charing, SibsagarCourses offered: BA.
Tinsukia Commerce CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySripuria, TinsukiaCourses offered: BCom.
Tinsukia CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTinsukiaCourses offered: BA, BCom, BSc.
Tengakhat CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTengakhatCourses offered: BA.
Tingkhong CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTingkhongCourses offered: BA.
U M K CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityP O Ratampur Miri, Majuli, Dist. JorhatCourses offered: BA.
West Silchar CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBarjatrapur
Dakshin Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMirza, KamrupCourses offered: BA.
Damdama College, KamrupAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGauhati
Darrang CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityTezpur, P O Tezpur, SonitpurCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Dhing CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDhing.NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Dhubri Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bidyapasa DhubriCourses offered: LLB.
Dimoria CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Khetri, Kamrup
Diphu Govt CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDiphu.Mikir HillsCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Diphu Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarbi Anglong. DiphuCourses offered: LLB
Dispur CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDispur
Dr B K Baroah CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityPuranigudam, NowgongCourses offered: BA
Gauhati CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bamunimaidam, GauhatiCourses offered: BCom, BA
Gauhati Commerce CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: BCom
Goreswar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GoreswarCourses offered: BA.
Gossaigaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGossaigaon, KokrajharCourses offered: BA, HS.
Govt College of Arts And CraftsAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityCourses offered: B.F.A.
Govt Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: LLB
Haflong Govt CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHaflong, Dist North CacharCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Handique Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Hojai CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHojai, NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Janta CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKabuganj, CacharCourses offered: BA.
J B Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: LLB
Jagiroad CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityJagiroad, Marigan
Jawaharlal Nehru CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBoko, KamrupCourses offered: BA.
K R B Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: BA.
Kaliabor CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKunwritol, NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityChamata, NalbariCourses offered: BA.
Kampur CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: BA.
Kapili Anchalik CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong, Jagiroad
Karimganj CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarimaganjCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Khagarijan CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong
Kokrajhar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKokrajharCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Lala Rural CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityLala.CocharCourses offered: BA.
Lalit Ch Bharati CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMaligaonCourses offered: BA.
Loknayak Omeo Kumar Das CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySonitpur, DhekiajuliCourses offered: BA.
Lumding CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong, LumdingCourses offered: BA.
M C CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpetaCourses offered: BA, BSc.
M C Das CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityCachar, SanaimukhCourses offered: BA.
Madhya Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpeta, ChengaCourses offered: BA.
Mangaldoi CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMangaldoi, DarrangCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Mangaldoi Teachers Training CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDarrang, MangaldoiCourses offered: BT.
Mankachar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDhubri, MankacharCourses offered: BA.
Marigaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMarigaon, NowgongCourses offered: BA.
N C CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Badarpur, Distt KarimganjCourses offered: BA.
Nabichandra CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBadarpur, Karimganj
Nabajyoti CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKalgachia, BarpetaCourses offered: BA,BSc.
Nalbari CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNalbariCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Nehru CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityPailapool.CacharCourses offered: BA.
North Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpeta, Baghmara
Nowgong CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNagaonCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom, P.G.(Arts).
Nowgong Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: BA.
Nowgong Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: LLB
North Gauhati CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, North GauhatiCourses offered: BA, BSc.
P U B Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, Baihata CharialiCourses offered: BA
Postgraduate Training CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKokrajharCourses offered: BEd.
Pramathes Barua CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityPO Gauripur, Dhuleri
Rabindra Sadan Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarimganj, Distt. Karimganj
Raha CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityRaha NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Ramkrishna Nagar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarimganj, Ramkrishna NagarCourses offered: BA
Rangapara CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityRangapara, Sonitpur
Rangia CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityRangia KamrupCourses offered: BA
S B M S CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySoalkuclii, KamryCourses offered: BA
S S CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHailakandi, CachaCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Sapatgram CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKokrajhar Saptgram
Sikshan MahavidyalayaAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: BA
Sipajhar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDarrong, SipajharCourses offered: BA.
State College of MusicAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGuwahatiCourses offered: BMus.
Suren Das CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup Hajo
T H B CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityJamugurihat, SonitpurCourses offered: BA.
Tangla CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityTangla.DarrangCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Tezpur CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityTezpur, SonitpurCourses offered: BA.
Tezpur Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySonitpur, TezpurCourses offered: LLB.
Teachers Training CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySonitpur, TezpurCourses offered: BT
Thongnokbe CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityDokmoka
Vivekananda College of EducationAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
Tezpr UniversityNapaam, Sonitpur, Tezpur 784025Ph: +91-3712-67003. 67004, 67007-9
Vice-Chancellor: Prof. BhattacharyyaRegistrar: Dr. M.R.SharmaBusiness Administration / Business Management
Tezpr University - School of Management SciencesDepartment of Business Administration, Tezpur 784001
Udalghri CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDarrang, Udalghri
A L Choudhury CollegeAffiliated to Assam University,Algapur, Hailakandi Courses offered : LLB
Amguri College,Affiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityAmguriCourses offered: BA
A Swahind Pedi Phukan CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityNamti
Abhayapuri CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityAbhayapuri, BongaigaonCourses offered: BA.
Anandram Dhekial Phukon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong.Courses offered: BA, BSc.BA
B N College of AgriculturalAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityViswanatha Chariall, SonitpurCourses offered: B.Sc
Bh. B CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySarupeta, BarpetaCourses offered: BA.
B N CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP 0 Dhubri, DhubriCourses offered: BA, BSc.
B P Chaliha CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNagarbera, DisH. KamrupCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Bagdhar Brahma Krishan CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityJalah, Jalghat
Bajali College, PathsalaAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBaxpetaCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Baosal B K K CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpeta, NagaonCourses offered: BA.
Bapujee CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySarthebari, Dist BarpetaCourses offered: PUC / B.A.
Barama CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNalbari, BaramaCourses offered: BA.
Barbhag CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Kalag, KamrupCourses offered: BA
Barnagar College SorbhogAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpetaCourses offered: BA
Barpeta Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpetaCourses offered: LLB
Barpeta Road Howly CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHowly, BarpetaCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Bijni CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bijni, Distt KorkajharCourses offered: BA.
Bilasipara CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBilasipara, DhuberiCourses offered: BA
Biswanath CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBiswanath Chariali SonitpurCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Bongaigaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bongaigaon, BongaigaonCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Banskandi CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityCachar
Badarpur Women's CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBadarpur
Bokajan CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBokajan
Chargola College Public CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
College of Fisheries SciencesAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityRahaCourses offered: B.F.Sc
Chaiduar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGohpur, SonitpurCourses offered: BA
Chhayagaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, ChhayagaonCourses offered: BA
Chilarai CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGolokganjCourses offered: BA.
D D R CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityChabuaCourses offered: BA.
Demow CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDemowCourses offered: BA.
D K D CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDergaon, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Debraj Roy CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversitySidsagar.Courses offered: BA, BSc.
Dhemaji CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityAkemajiCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Dom Dooma CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDoom Dooma.Courses offered: BA, BCom.
Duliajan CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityDuliaianCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Dikhowmukh CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversitySibiagarCourses offered: BA.
Diphu B.Ed. CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityP O DiphuCourses offered: B.Ed
Diphu Law CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityP O DiphuCourses offered: LLB
Diphu Girls' CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityDharamtala, P O Diphu
Diphu Govt CollegeAffiliated to Assam Agriculture UniversityDiphuCourses offered : BA,BCom, BSc-(P/Hons)
Gargaon CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityPO Simalugura, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BCom, MCom.
Golaghat Commerce CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityJyoti Nagar, GolaghatCourses offered: BA, BCom, MCom.
Gogamukh CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityGogamukh. Dist, DhemajiCourses offered: BA.
H P B Girls CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityGolaghatCourses offered: BA.
H C D G CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugarh UniversityNitaipukhuri, SibsagarCourses offered: BA.
Haflong Govt. CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHaflongCourses offered: BA, BSc
Hailakandi Women's CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHailakandi
Hailakandi B.Ed. CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityNazarul Sarani
Howraghat CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHowraghat
J B Hagjer CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityUmrangso
Janata CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKabuganj
J B CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhatCourses offered: BA, BCom, BSc.
Jengraimukh CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJengraimukh, MajuliCourses offered: BA.
Jhanjhi H N S CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJhanjiCourses offered: BA, BCom.
J D S G CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityBokakhatCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Jorha Amalgamated CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhat
Jorhat CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhatCourses offered: BA.
Kapila CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKheroni
Karimganj Law CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
Karimganj CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
Kamargaon CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityKamargaon, GolaghatCourses offered: BA
Lala Rural CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityLala
M C D CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversitySonaimukh
M K Dey CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityArnraghat
Maibang Degree CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityMaibang
Moinul Hoque Science Memorial CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHailakandi
Majuli CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityKamalbari, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Mariani CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityMarianiCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Margherit CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityMargheritaCourses offered: BA.
Moran CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityMoran, SibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Murkong Selek CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJonaiCourses offered: BA
Nehru CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityPailapool
Nilam Bazar CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityMaibang
Naharkatiya CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityNaharkatiyaCourses offered: BA, BCom.
N N Saikia CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTitaborCourses offered: BA, BSc.
North Bank CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityGhilamaraCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Namrup CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityNamrupCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Patharkandi CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityPatharkandi
Postgraduate Training CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityJorhatCourses offered: BEd
Rangsina CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityPatharkandi
Rangsina CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityDonkamukam
Rukasen CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBakalia
Ramakrishna CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityRamakrishnanagar
R S Girls CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
S S CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityHailakandiCourses offered: BA, B.Sc
S C Dey CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKalinagar
S K Roy CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKatlicherra
S M Dev CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityLakhipur
S R CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityKalain
Swami Vivekananda CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityChandkhira
Sadiya CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySadiyaCourses offered: BA
Sarupathar CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySarupatharCourses offered: BA.
Science CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityCheniamaguriCourses offered: BSc.
Sibsagar CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Sibsagar Commmerce CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySibsagarCourses offered: BCom.
Sibsagar Girls CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySibsagarCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Silapathar CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySilapatharCourses offered: BA.
Sonari CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySonariCourses offered: BA.
Swahid Maniram Devan CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityCharing. P O Charing, SibsagarCourses offered: BA.
Tinsukia Commerce CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversitySripuria, TinsukiaCourses offered: BCom.
Tinsukia CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTinsukiaCourses offered: BA, BCom, BSc.
Tengakhat CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTengakhatCourses offered: BA.
Tingkhong CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityTingkhongCourses offered: BA.
U M K CollegeAffiliated to Dibrugah UniversityP O Ratampur Miri, Majuli, Dist. JorhatCourses offered: BA.
West Silchar CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityBarjatrapur
Dakshin Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMirza, KamrupCourses offered: BA.
Damdama College, KamrupAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGauhati
Darrang CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityTezpur, P O Tezpur, SonitpurCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Dhing CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDhing.NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Dhubri Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bidyapasa DhubriCourses offered: LLB.
Dimoria CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Khetri, Kamrup
Diphu Govt CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDiphu.Mikir HillsCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Diphu Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarbi Anglong. DiphuCourses offered: LLB
Dispur CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDispur
Dr B K Baroah CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityPuranigudam, NowgongCourses offered: BA
Gauhati CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Bamunimaidam, GauhatiCourses offered: BCom, BA
Gauhati Commerce CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: BCom
Goreswar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GoreswarCourses offered: BA.
Gossaigaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGossaigaon, KokrajharCourses offered: BA, HS.
Govt College of Arts And CraftsAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityCourses offered: B.F.A.
Govt Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: LLB
Haflong Govt CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHaflong, Dist North CacharCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Handique Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Hojai CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHojai, NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Janta CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKabuganj, CacharCourses offered: BA.
J B Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: LLB
Jagiroad CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityJagiroad, Marigan
Jawaharlal Nehru CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBoko, KamrupCourses offered: BA.
K R B Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, GauhatiCourses offered: BA.
Kaliabor CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKunwritol, NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityChamata, NalbariCourses offered: BA.
Kampur CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: BA.
Kapili Anchalik CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong, Jagiroad
Karimganj CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarimaganjCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom.
Khagarijan CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong
Kokrajhar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKokrajharCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Lala Rural CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityLala.CocharCourses offered: BA.
Lalit Ch Bharati CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMaligaonCourses offered: BA.
Loknayak Omeo Kumar Das CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySonitpur, DhekiajuliCourses offered: BA.
Lumding CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgong, LumdingCourses offered: BA.
M C CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpetaCourses offered: BA, BSc.
M C Das CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityCachar, SanaimukhCourses offered: BA.
Madhya Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpeta, ChengaCourses offered: BA.
Mangaldoi CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMangaldoi, DarrangCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Mangaldoi Teachers Training CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDarrang, MangaldoiCourses offered: BT.
Mankachar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDhubri, MankacharCourses offered: BA.
Marigaon CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityMarigaon, NowgongCourses offered: BA.
N C CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityP O Badarpur, Distt KarimganjCourses offered: BA.
Nabichandra CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBadarpur, Karimganj
Nabajyoti CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKalgachia, BarpetaCourses offered: BA,BSc.
Nalbari CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNalbariCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Nehru CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityPailapool.CacharCourses offered: BA.
North Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityBarpeta, Baghmara
Nowgong CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNagaonCourses offered: BA, BSc, BCom, P.G.(Arts).
Nowgong Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: BA.
Nowgong Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: LLB
North Gauhati CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, North GauhatiCourses offered: BA, BSc.
P U B Kamrup CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup, Baihata CharialiCourses offered: BA
Postgraduate Training CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKokrajharCourses offered: BEd.
Pramathes Barua CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityPO Gauripur, Dhuleri
Rabindra Sadan Girls CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarimganj, Distt. Karimganj
Raha CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityRaha NowgongCourses offered: BA.
Ramkrishna Nagar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKarimganj, Ramkrishna NagarCourses offered: BA
Rangapara CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityRangapara, Sonitpur
Rangia CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityRangia KamrupCourses offered: BA
S B M S CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySoalkuclii, KamryCourses offered: BA
S S CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityHailakandi, CachaCourses offered: BA, BSc.
Sapatgram CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKokrajhar Saptgram
Sikshan MahavidyalayaAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityNowgongCourses offered: BA
Sipajhar CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDarrong, SipajharCourses offered: BA.
State College of MusicAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityGuwahatiCourses offered: BMus.
Suren Das CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityKamrup Hajo
T H B CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityJamugurihat, SonitpurCourses offered: BA.
Tangla CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityTangla.DarrangCourses offered: BA, BCom.
Tezpur CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityTezpur, SonitpurCourses offered: BA.
Tezpur Law CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySonitpur, TezpurCourses offered: LLB.
Teachers Training CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversitySonitpur, TezpurCourses offered: BT
Thongnokbe CollegeAffiliated to Assam UniversityDokmoka
Vivekananda College of EducationAffiliated to Assam UniversityKarimganj
Tezpr UniversityNapaam, Sonitpur, Tezpur 784025Ph: +91-3712-67003. 67004, 67007-9
Vice-Chancellor: Prof. BhattacharyyaRegistrar: Dr. M.R.SharmaBusiness Administration / Business Management
Tezpr University - School of Management SciencesDepartment of Business Administration, Tezpur 784001
Udalghri CollegeAffiliated to Gauhati UniversityDarrang, Udalghri
Cotton College was declared open on May 27, 1901 by Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton, the then Chief Commissioner of the erstwhile British province of Assam. The college was named after Sir Henry, as the "Cotton College", in appreciation of his genuine concern for the cause of higher education in the province. The college was started with 5 professors, which included Frederick William Sudmerson, the first principal of the college, and 39 students.
Cotton College was the epicentre of the freedom movement and the literary and cultural movements of the country to build the identity of Assam as a distinct integral component of the Nation.
From a small undergraduate college, Cotton College has now become a postgraduate institution, integrated with undergraduate education having enrolled 5000 students and 244 teachers, among 21 undergraduate and 20 post graduate departments in science, humanities and social science faculties.
On October 16, 1992, the college was declared as a postgraduate institution, an occasion celebrated in a solemn ceremony with Shankar Dayal Sharma, the then-President of India.
Cotton College celebrated its centenary with year-long program from May 27, 2001 to May 26, 2002. Krishan Kant, the then-Vice President of India graced the closing ceremony.
Cotton College has produced numerous talents including politicians, authors, athletes, and artists.
It offers
10+2 COURSE : Study for the Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate is possible in both the Arts and Science streams. This qualification is awarded upon successful completion of two years of study followed by relevant examinations.
BA : The Bachelor of Arts graduate degree is possible in various fields of study. This degree is awarded upon successful completion of three years of study followed by relevant examinations.
BSc : The Bachelor of Science graduate degree is possible in various fields of study. This degree is awarded upon successful completion of three years of study followed by relevant examinations.
BA : The Bachelor of Arts graduate degree is possible in various fields of study. This degree is awarded upon successful completion of three years of study followed by relevant examinations.
BSc : The Bachelor of Science graduate degree is possible in various fields of study. This degree is awarded upon successful completion of three years of study followed by relevant examinations.
MA : The Master of Arts post graduate degree is possible in various fields of study. This degree is awarded upon successful completion of two years of study followed by relevant examinations.
MSc : The Master of Science post graduate degree is possible in various fields of study. This degree is awarded upon successful completion of two years of study followed by relevant examinations.
PhD : Doctoral studies are also possible in selected fields under the guidance of recognised experts.
PhD : Doctoral studies are also possible in selected fields under the guidance of recognised experts.
Jagannath Barooah College, Jorhat
Jagannath Barooah College, briefly J. B. College is a premier institute of higher education located in Jorhat, a city cultural heritage and glorious historical background in the upper part of the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam. Since its inception in 1930, the college has already marched a long way and has celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in the year 2005. The institute has already been accredited by NAAC in 2003 and awarded B+ grade on the basis of its performance in the field of higher education.
Behind the establishment of this premier seat of higher education lies the selfless and enthusiastic commitment of a tiny but highly learned group of scholars of this culturally rich city who, in fact, shaped the destiny of the academic milieu of the North East region in general and the entire Brahmaputra Valley in particular. The valuable contributions made by this dedicated group had subsequently led to the formal initiation of an initiation of an institution known as Upper Assam College in Jorhat in 19th August 1930. Less than a month later, i.e., on 4th September 1930, the first Governing Body (GB) Meeting of the Upper Assam College resolved to name the college as Jorhat College and this continued till 1938 when, in a resolution of another GB Meeting, it was again decided to rename the college as Jagannath Barooah College in the memory of Jagannath Barooah, the first Graduate of Upper Assam. Late Murulidhar Barooah, the grandson of Jagannath Barooah donated the entire land and the Barpatra Kutir (existing office and teachers’ common room) to the college. The founder Principal of this oldest institution of the region was Prof. Krishna Kanta Handique, world renowned orientalist, distinguished scholar and academician. The other dedicated founder teachers were Prof. Tulshi Narayan Sarma (Founder Secretary), Jagneswar Sarma, Phanidhar Dutta, Prafulla Pran Changkakati and Gunagobinda Dutta. With a small batch of 14 students in 1930, the college was started first with Intermediate of Arts (IA), which received formal affiliation from Calcutta University in 1931. Thereafter the events of the college moved rapidly. In 1939 the Intermediate of Commerce (I.Com), in 1941 the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), in 1944 the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), in 1949 – 1950 the Intermediate of Science (I.Sc) and in 1952 – 1953 the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) streams were opened. From 1931 to 1948, the college was affiliated to the Calcutta University and from 1948 to 1965 to the Gauhati University. Since the establishment of Dibrugarh University in 1965, the college has been affiliated to it. The college now has a diversified field of teaching.
Darrang College
Darrang College also sometimes referred to at times as the Nalanda of the North Bank was started in July 1945 with 8 teachers and 112 students in the roll. Late Kamakhya Prasad Tripathy, a veteran freedom fighter and trade union leader came forward to shoulder the responsibility of the founder Principal of the College. Initially the Classes were held at the banglow of Mr. Ducci, an Italian gentleman who sold the property to the College.
Subsequently, the College was shifted for nearly two years to the American Base Hospital campus at Mission Chariali, then to the Dak Bunglow in the heart of the town, and finally to the present site in the month of October, 1951.
Darrang College has had an eventful career since its inception. His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet visited the College in 1959 after his historic flight from his own land; followed Smt. Indira Gandhi in 1963.
Ever since the College settled in its permanent site, it has been maintaining a high academic standard all through. Darrang College has multiple disciplines for study leading to a Bachelor degree in Arts, Science or Commerece from the Gauhati University.
Subsequently, the College was shifted for nearly two years to the American Base Hospital campus at Mission Chariali, then to the Dak Bunglow in the heart of the town, and finally to the present site in the month of October, 1951.
Darrang College has had an eventful career since its inception. His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet visited the College in 1959 after his historic flight from his own land; followed Smt. Indira Gandhi in 1963.
Ever since the College settled in its permanent site, it has been maintaining a high academic standard all through. Darrang College has multiple disciplines for study leading to a Bachelor degree in Arts, Science or Commerece from the Gauhati University.
Dibrugarh Hanumanbux Surajmal Kanoi (DHSK) College.
Address : K.C. Gogoi Path, P.O. Dibrugarh, Dist: Dibrugarh, Assam. Pin- 786001.
Date of Establishment : 15-06-1945
Phone: 0373-23241
Website: http://www.dhsk.org/,
e-mail: www.dhskcoll@yahoo.in
Fax: 0373-2321351
Affiliating University : Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004.
The College Under UGC : According to 2(f) 12(B)
Year and Grade by NAAC : Year 2003, Grade: B++
Dibrugarh Hanumanbux Surajmal Kanoi College, one of the most prestigious educational institutions of upper Assam, has undertaken the noble plan of imparting education to the students of a huge locality extending even beyond Jorhat district following its exemplary reputations of past years. In this year, i.e. 2005-06, the college is fully prepared to impart all kinds of knowledge to the students with the help of a batch of most experience hard working, diligent teachers with illuminating careers.
But, in spite of galaxy of brilliant teachers and their untiring efforts to develop the horizon of the mental and intellectual world of the students, we, the DHSK College teachers’ family intimately feels that the teaching of traditional subjects is not sufficient to the students in the perspective of newer concepts of higher education. The changing scenario of higher education strongly demands that the students must be able to put his/her education to bring changes in socio-economic fields. Keeping this in view, the DHSK College is going to introduce a series of career oriented courses i.e. Short-Term Certificate Courses with a view to enable the students to achieve socio-economic establishment after completion of their formal education.
In addition to this, the DHSK College administration opens a Gymnasium Hall for the physical development of the students. The college playground is proposed to be constructed so that the outdoor games can be played easily at any time of the year. A Yoga Centre of the benefit of the students is also going to establish by the end of August/September, 2005.
The College Auditorium is one of the most important factors for intellectual development of the students where seminars, symposia and other talent search & development programmes can be held. The present Auditorium of the college requires some repairing and the college is taking plan make it a modern one.
From this academic session the NCC Group HQ, Dibrugarh has permitted to introduce Senior Wing NCC (Girls Cadet) under Coy ‘A’, 10 Assam Bn NCC at DHSK College.
In the field of academic development the college has planned to hold UGC Seminars and Conferences in National and State Level and necessary steps for UGC Financial Aid has been taken to that instant. Moreover, organizations like PILGRIMAGE, SPIC-MACAY, SOFEC etc. are also going to organize various development programmes among students.
The college taking the plan to computerize the college library and is going to install the SOUL, suggested by INFLIBNET, software for library accessibility, which will directly facilitate the students to have newer information regarding higher education.
The internet connectivity has already been done in the college and its service will be extended to the students very soon. The college has its own Fax facility (0373-2321351). A website of the college (http/dhsk.org) with all information has already been introduced although some relevant data will have to be updated very soon.
The college has an association of ex-students called DHSK College Alumni Association. This is developed in an organizational pattern so that the college may be benefited both academically and financially cherishing the love and help of the ex-students.
But, in spite of galaxy of brilliant teachers and their untiring efforts to develop the horizon of the mental and intellectual world of the students, we, the DHSK College teachers’ family intimately feels that the teaching of traditional subjects is not sufficient to the students in the perspective of newer concepts of higher education. The changing scenario of higher education strongly demands that the students must be able to put his/her education to bring changes in socio-economic fields. Keeping this in view, the DHSK College is going to introduce a series of career oriented courses i.e. Short-Term Certificate Courses with a view to enable the students to achieve socio-economic establishment after completion of their formal education.
In addition to this, the DHSK College administration opens a Gymnasium Hall for the physical development of the students. The college playground is proposed to be constructed so that the outdoor games can be played easily at any time of the year. A Yoga Centre of the benefit of the students is also going to establish by the end of August/September, 2005.
The College Auditorium is one of the most important factors for intellectual development of the students where seminars, symposia and other talent search & development programmes can be held. The present Auditorium of the college requires some repairing and the college is taking plan make it a modern one.
From this academic session the NCC Group HQ, Dibrugarh has permitted to introduce Senior Wing NCC (Girls Cadet) under Coy ‘A’, 10 Assam Bn NCC at DHSK College.
In the field of academic development the college has planned to hold UGC Seminars and Conferences in National and State Level and necessary steps for UGC Financial Aid has been taken to that instant. Moreover, organizations like PILGRIMAGE, SPIC-MACAY, SOFEC etc. are also going to organize various development programmes among students.
The college taking the plan to computerize the college library and is going to install the SOUL, suggested by INFLIBNET, software for library accessibility, which will directly facilitate the students to have newer information regarding higher education.
The internet connectivity has already been done in the college and its service will be extended to the students very soon. The college has its own Fax facility (0373-2321351). A website of the college (http/dhsk.org) with all information has already been introduced although some relevant data will have to be updated very soon.
The college has an association of ex-students called DHSK College Alumni Association. This is developed in an organizational pattern so that the college may be benefited both academically and financially cherishing the love and help of the ex-students.
Nalbari College
Nalbari College was established in the year 1945 and was affiliated to the Calcutta University. After the establishment of the Gauhati University in 1948 it came under this University. It is one of the oldest and largest colleges in Assam. It was the only college for higher education in the whole area from Mangaldai to Bongaigaon. Beginning with a modest scale with only 28 students, the college today has student strength of about three thousand with Higher Secondary courses in both Arts & Science, T.D.C. Arts & Science courses with major in all subjects except Statistics and P.G. course in Assamese. The college is run under deficit system of grants under State Govt. and with regular grants from U.G.C.
Nalbari College is located in Japarkuchi village at a distance of one km. from Nalbari town. At present the college has many buildings to accommodate the students, two hostels – one for the boys and another for girls, residential quarters for 4th grade employees, canteen, playground, auditorium, P.G. building etc. in a total land area of 16.10 acres (appx.).
From its inception, Nalbari College has been successfully providing knowledge and higher learning, and has produced thousands of graduates, post graduates, teachers, scholars of national reorganization. Alumni of this college have attained significant position in the field of education, literature, govt. & non-govt. organization, P.S.U’s, art & culture, political administration, business and in the field of science & technology. More than 80% of the school and college teachers of Nalbari and surrounding districts are alumni of this college. Nalbari College is now preparing itself to meet the future challenges in education in the 21st century and as a part of its preparation has initiated several developmental and innovative plans. In order to identify the strengths and weaknesses, Nalbari College has been offered the B+ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Nalbari College has hitherto taken a pioneering role in promoting higher education in the entire North Bank of Brahmaputra since its establishment. Under the Principalship of the renowned educationist and literatuer late T.N. Goswami. the students from various parts of undivided Assam came to study at Nalbari College and showed proficiency in study. Students from our college have shown brilliant results in various departments of Gauhati University. Nalbari College has produced best graduates of the University many times and they have brought name and fame to the University in various departments.
Nalbari College is located in Japarkuchi village at a distance of one km. from Nalbari town. At present the college has many buildings to accommodate the students, two hostels – one for the boys and another for girls, residential quarters for 4th grade employees, canteen, playground, auditorium, P.G. building etc. in a total land area of 16.10 acres (appx.).
From its inception, Nalbari College has been successfully providing knowledge and higher learning, and has produced thousands of graduates, post graduates, teachers, scholars of national reorganization. Alumni of this college have attained significant position in the field of education, literature, govt. & non-govt. organization, P.S.U’s, art & culture, political administration, business and in the field of science & technology. More than 80% of the school and college teachers of Nalbari and surrounding districts are alumni of this college. Nalbari College is now preparing itself to meet the future challenges in education in the 21st century and as a part of its preparation has initiated several developmental and innovative plans. In order to identify the strengths and weaknesses, Nalbari College has been offered the B+ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Nalbari College has hitherto taken a pioneering role in promoting higher education in the entire North Bank of Brahmaputra since its establishment. Under the Principalship of the renowned educationist and literatuer late T.N. Goswami. the students from various parts of undivided Assam came to study at Nalbari College and showed proficiency in study. Students from our college have shown brilliant results in various departments of Gauhati University. Nalbari College has produced best graduates of the University many times and they have brought name and fame to the University in various departments.
B. Borooah College, Guwahati
Guwahati-7, Assam. (Estd. 1943)
Phone: 0361-2543538
Phone: 0361-2543538
B. Borooah College was established in the year 1943 in the name of Bholanath Borooah, a doyen of Assamese business and a close asociate of Sahityarathi Lakshminath Bezbarua.Assams third oldest educational institution, the 64-year-old B. Borooah College's founder principal was also the states first chief minister, Gopinath Bordoloi.
It Grew Under The Shadow Of World War II and as a part of the nationalistic struggle against foreign rule. Classes started from 15 September 1943 AD with 15 students.Pioneering The Education In North East India:They first started it as a night college in Today's Kamrup Academy of Guwahati to give an opportunity to the poor students.Great men led great academic past which include Bharat Ratna Gopinath Bardoloi, the first chief minister of Assam, Hem Barua, Surendra Mohan Das, Dr. Promod Ch. Barthakur, Dulal Ch. Barthakur, Prasanna Kumar Sarma etc.
It Grew Under The Shadow Of World War II and as a part of the nationalistic struggle against foreign rule. Classes started from 15 September 1943 AD with 15 students.Pioneering The Education In North East India:They first started it as a night college in Today's Kamrup Academy of Guwahati to give an opportunity to the poor students.Great men led great academic past which include Bharat Ratna Gopinath Bardoloi, the first chief minister of Assam, Hem Barua, Surendra Mohan Das, Dr. Promod Ch. Barthakur, Dulal Ch. Barthakur, Prasanna Kumar Sarma etc.
Course Affiliated to GU: B. A. / B. Sc.
B. A.: 1st Year- 400, 2nd Year- 400, 3rd Year- 400;
B. Sc.: 1st Year- 400, 2nd Year- 400, 3rd Year- 400;
M. Sc.: Previous- 10, Final- 10;
Major Subjects:
B. A.: English, Assamese, Political Science, Economics, History, Sanskrit, Education, Philosophy, Geography
B. Sc.: Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Geography, Economics
Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati
Arya Vidyapeeth College, situated in the heart of Guwahati city is one of the premier institutions of higher learning in not only Assam but the whole of North East of India. Arya Vidyapeeth College was established on 29th July , 1958. It is the most prominent member in the family of Arya Vidyapeeth - a chain of educational institutions starting from primary level to post graduate level . Innumerable students have come to the college and left the campus after receiving their desired degree and they have made their mark in different levels of social, political and academic life.There may be a few places in the whole country where an alumnus of this institution may not be found. Many of them have brought glories by shining in overseas too. Our Visions , Missions, Goals and Objectives reflect our determination. One is welcome to take advantage of the same and cash in on this opportunity.
Dergaon Kamal Dowerah College or DKD College, Dergaon
Dergaon Kamal Dowerah College which is now a premier institution under Dibrugarh University had a humble beginning. The public in general and a host of leading personalities of the locality felt the necessity of establishing an institution for higher education at post-matric level and the result was the decision to start initially an Arts college. In 1962 the classes were started in a public theatre hall (Bapuji Mondir) and, after four years the establishment was shifted to its present site loca`ted in scenic surrounding with glorious historic background just6 on the outskirt of Dergaon town.
A munificent donation from Late Kamal Dowerah, a pious and benevolent citizen of the locality, helped the promoters to give a concrete shape to the project and in memento of it the institution was christened as DERGAON KAMAL DOWERAH COLLEGE. The pioneering efforts of Late D N Kakaty, Naren Sarma and H K Mahanta, the founder President, Secretary and Principal respectively helped it enormously in attaining its present prestigious status.
The College celebrated its silver jubilee in 1987and has completed forty five years of its glorious existence. Through these years it had made significant strides in its development to become one of the best institutions under Dibrugarh University imparting instructions up to Major level in different streams and PG semester course in Economics to a student population of more than two thousand. The college been assessed by NAAC in 2003 and accredited B+ level. Moreover it was worth mentioning here that among 150 colleges selected by UGC from all over India, our college was also selected as a “College with Potential for Excellence” in 2005. A Network Resource Centre(NRC) with internet connectivity has been set up in the college recently with grant from the UGC. NERDP has proposed to construct an Information Centre building providing with computers, a multistoried Girls Hostel, a double storied Girls Common Room in the college within a short period.
A munificent donation from Late Kamal Dowerah, a pious and benevolent citizen of the locality, helped the promoters to give a concrete shape to the project and in memento of it the institution was christened as DERGAON KAMAL DOWERAH COLLEGE. The pioneering efforts of Late D N Kakaty, Naren Sarma and H K Mahanta, the founder President, Secretary and Principal respectively helped it enormously in attaining its present prestigious status.
The College celebrated its silver jubilee in 1987and has completed forty five years of its glorious existence. Through these years it had made significant strides in its development to become one of the best institutions under Dibrugarh University imparting instructions up to Major level in different streams and PG semester course in Economics to a student population of more than two thousand. The college been assessed by NAAC in 2003 and accredited B+ level. Moreover it was worth mentioning here that among 150 colleges selected by UGC from all over India, our college was also selected as a “College with Potential for Excellence” in 2005. A Network Resource Centre(NRC) with internet connectivity has been set up in the college recently with grant from the UGC. NERDP has proposed to construct an Information Centre building providing with computers, a multistoried Girls Hostel, a double storied Girls Common Room in the college within a short period.
Debraj Roy College or DR College, Golaghat
Debraj Roy College came into being in the wake of independence of the country around 1949. In the post independence period here was a seething atmosphere of great joy and excitement all over the country and this tempo was also felt in an isolated and sleepy town at Golaghat. There was a craze for higher education among all sections of the people, particularly the students. At that time, there was only one college at Jorhat for upper Assam region. Higher Education was out of reach for the general students of this educationally backward district. This consideration led some spirited persons of the district to establish a college at Golaghat. This premier institution of higher education may be regarded as the brain child of Ajyodhya Prasad Goswami, who was then a student leader, Biplobi Bir Sankar Ch. Baruah, a revolutionary leader of freedom movement, Golap Ch. Goswami,Dr. Promodaviram Das, Jadunath Saikia, etc. the college was initially 'started' on 1st Sept' 1949, at the premises of Govt. Bezbarooah High School (now a higher secondary school) and then shifted to mission compound and was known as Golaghat College and affiliated to Gauhati University. With the subsequent shifting to the present site in 1952, the college was renamed as Debraj Roy CollegeBy naming the college as Debraj Roy College, a well deserved tribute was paid to late Debraj Roy, the founder of Bogidhala Tea & Trading Company, Goalghat, on whose cherished memory his illustrious son Surendra Nath Ray, the then M.D. of Bogidhala Tea & Tarding Company, donated a considerable amount for the construction of the main building of the college. In the same year the Government of Assam also allotted about 14 acres of land for the college at the persent site. This was the first college of the district (then subdivision of undivided Sibsagar District) and born of necessity and out of the awareness infused by the national freedom movement. Besides providing education to common mass, transmission and generation of knowledge the other main objective of the college was the socio-economic development of the country as a whole and the region in particular. The college is situated in an ideal location in the heart of the town just in front of the Circuit House. The serene atmosphere with calm green surrounding is conductive to academic pursuits. Starting with just 57 students (Boys 43 and Girls 14) in the year of its inception, the college has marched along with time and is now; one of the foremost institutions of higher education in the state. For transmission of scientific knowledge among the masses, the science section of the college was started in 1960. Till 1965 the college was affiliated to Gauhati University in 1965, the Govt. of Assam by an act brought the college under Dibrugarh University along other leading Colleges in upper Assam districts Now, it is a full fledged degree college and offers students the facilities for studies in science and humanities. The classes of the Arts section are held in two shifts, morning and day. The morning shift starts at 6.30 a.m and ends at 12.30 p.m. The day shift stars at 9.15 a.m. The college has able to meet the aspirations of the people of the district over the year and has played a key role in socio-economic development of the backward district in particular and the region as a whole. Almost all the L.P. schools, High schools, Higher Secondary schools, Junior and Senior U.G. Colleges have drawn inspirations from this premier institution. The college provides an excellent opportunity for interaction among students coming from various ethnic and linguistic background The present enrolment in the college is around 1700 (excluding private and casual students), which may be considered good considering the fact that at present there are eight other DGIA college, in the district. To prepare the students to meet the challenges of the modern world and to inculate them with the spirit of leadership in different avenues, have all along been the guiding principles of the college. Over the years, the college has been maintaining fairly good record of performance in different university and council examinations. And the products of this institution now has held many responsible positions of society. The fifty years of the college's glorious achievements and its relentless contribution to the sphere of higher education have been befittingly marked by its Golden Jubilee Celebration, with a year long academic and development programmes from 1st Sept' 1998. As a result the college now presents a new look both academically and infrastructurally. There was overwhelming public response and co-operation in the development activities of the institution.
Madhab Choudhury College, Barpeta or M.C.College, Barpeta
Madhab Choudhury College, Barpeta or M.C.College, Barpeta
Madhab Choudhury College
Barpeta, Assam (India)
Phone No. +91 3665 252222 (O)
Phone No. +91 3665 252222 (O)
Madhab Choudhury College, Barpeta, the third oldest non-government college in undivided Assam, was established in the year 1939, when the entire India rose up vigorously against the colonial rule. The inception of this college was a manifestation of an aspiration of a few visionaries who, imbued with the ideals of the freedom struggle, desired to contribute to building a vibrant, resurgent, progressive and enlightened India, and with modern, liberal, secular and scientific education in this part of the country. Smt. Jibanlata Choudhury, a philanthropic lady of Barpeta, came forward to help them reach their goal, and generously donated Rupees ten thousand to begin the process of establishment of this college. The untiring efforts of its founders along with public donations added to it made this pioneering academic institution in the North East India take its complete shape, and finally this college, bearing the name of the husband of this generous lady, was inaugurated by Loka Priya Gopinath Bordoloi, ‘Prime Minister’ of the Assam as he was then called, on the 14 th of July, 1939.
Since then, this college has been undergoing a relentless process of growing up. The college that started with twelve teachers and about thirty students has 74 teachers and about two thousand students at present. Born as and arts college, M.C. College introduced its science stream in 1959; an at present it has been able to translate its promise to provide students of this locality with apt facilities for learning in both the streams in to a reality.In the year 2003, the National Assessment and Accredition Council (N.A.A.C.) assessed the college and awarded it with ‘B’ grade. This assessment of the N.A.A.C. has now formed the soil in which the college desires to germinate the seeds of its future.
Since then, this college has been undergoing a relentless process of growing up. The college that started with twelve teachers and about thirty students has 74 teachers and about two thousand students at present. Born as and arts college, M.C. College introduced its science stream in 1959; an at present it has been able to translate its promise to provide students of this locality with apt facilities for learning in both the streams in to a reality.In the year 2003, the National Assessment and Accredition Council (N.A.A.C.) assessed the college and awarded it with ‘B’ grade. This assessment of the N.A.A.C. has now formed the soil in which the college desires to germinate the seeds of its future.
B.H. College, Howly
An intense desire and untiring effort of the founders lit the light of B.H. College in 1966, to impart Higher Education to the people of Barpeta Road – Howly locality. The selfless devotion and sacrifice of the local people have graduated this institution into a famous college in Assam and now it is standing with glory as their cherished offspring. B.H. College, is the only full-fledged three- faculty institution in Lower Assam which offers The provision for post-graduation in Commerce. The strength of this institution lies in its academic achievements and healthy environment. A rural college, essentially catering to the academic needs of the local youths coming from families of cultivators and poverty stricken multitade, requires a very soft and careful managerial acumen in its built-up process. The armature of this institution is strong enough to meet the growing challenges of Higher Education.
An intense desire and untiring effort of the founders lit the light of B.H. College in 1966, to impart Higher Education to the people of Barpeta Road – Howly locality. The selfless devotion and sacrifice of the local people have graduated this institution into a famous college in Assam and now it is standing with glory as their cherished offspring. B.H. College, is the only full-fledged three- faculty institution in Lower Assam which offers The provision for post-graduation in Commerce. The strength of this institution lies in its academic achievements and healthy environment. A rural college, essentially catering to the academic needs of the local youths coming from families of cultivators and poverty stricken multitade, requires a very soft and careful managerial acumen in its built-up process. The armature of this institution is strong enough to meet the growing challenges of Higher Education.
Nowgong College, Nagaon
Nowgong College, established on August 7, 1944, is one of the premier colleges of Assam. The college, established with permission from the University of Calcutta, has been playing a pivotal role in the cause of higher education since its inception. Thanks to the unsparing efforts of the teachers, the existence of the college soon made itself felt. It contributed largely in awakening people towards values of higher education.
The high hopes and zealous efforts of people like late Matiram Bora and others were answered by succeeding batches of students and a set of dedicated and ideal teachers. The college had a distinctive blazon of its own and it played a significant role in the social and intellectual life of the state. We can still look back for inspiration to some of the extraordinary achievers of public life who were alumni of this institution. The college celebrated its Golden jubilee in its fiftieth year, in 1994.
Located in the heart of the Nagaon town the Nowgong College started its journey with only 140 students under the able stewardship of Sahityacharyya Janeswar Sarma. With about 100 teachers, now, the college primarily imparts undergraduate level education with facilities for Major Course in all the faculties of Arts, science and Commerce. The college has been conducting post-graduate course in Assamese under the University of Gauhati.
The high hopes and zealous efforts of people like late Matiram Bora and others were answered by succeeding batches of students and a set of dedicated and ideal teachers. The college had a distinctive blazon of its own and it played a significant role in the social and intellectual life of the state. We can still look back for inspiration to some of the extraordinary achievers of public life who were alumni of this institution. The college celebrated its Golden jubilee in its fiftieth year, in 1994.
Located in the heart of the Nagaon town the Nowgong College started its journey with only 140 students under the able stewardship of Sahityacharyya Janeswar Sarma. With about 100 teachers, now, the college primarily imparts undergraduate level education with facilities for Major Course in all the faculties of Arts, science and Commerce. The college has been conducting post-graduate course in Assamese under the University of Gauhati.
Handique Girls College, Guwahati
Handique Girls College was founded in 1939 as Gauhati Girls' College by Late Mrs Rajabala Das, M.A, a pioneer in womens' education with the patronage of Late R.K Handique. This was the first college of women in the State of Assam and was born of necessity out of the awareness infused by the National Freedom Movement to overcome superstition and social prejudices in the education of women. Mahatma Gandhi's encouragement and enlightenment of women induced them to participate in public demonstrations in large numbers all over India for the liberation of motherland. A proper education of women became the first step towards shedding of their own and society's barriers for participation in public life. A few fortunate women of Assam managed to go to colleges and Universities outside the state in pursuit of higher education and their return created an enlightened body of women, aware, competent and determined to help their less fortunate sisters. Mrs Rajabala Das was one of them and with her progressive outlook and great organizational capacity, she succeeded in setting up a separate college in Assam to meet the growing demand for higher education for women and became its first principal.The first college for women in Assam was thus born and it was quite healthy under the post natal care of one who knew how to bring it up. The college took its shape from the personality of its founder principal who combined in herself a progressive outlook with a firm belief that social traditions and conventions must not be completely erased or overlooked. Throughout her life she tried to inculcate in her students liberalism in thought and conservation in expression to fuse the lofty ideal of dynamism in appropriate social context.
The college was initially set up with the patronage and name of Late Dr. K.K. Handique, a member of the same philanthropic Handique family, donated a generous sum to the college for its expansion and development. The college was subsequently renamed Handique Girls College.
Mrs Rajabala Das remained the principal from 1939 to 1965. During her tenure a devoted team of teachers worked hard with fortitude to make the college one of the best colleges under Calcutta University. The Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University was so pleased with the progress and work ethics of the college that he readily agreed to admit it to the privileges of the university by extending affiliations up to honors level in Arts.
The college was initially set up with the patronage and name of Late Dr. K.K. Handique, a member of the same philanthropic Handique family, donated a generous sum to the college for its expansion and development. The college was subsequently renamed Handique Girls College.
Mrs Rajabala Das remained the principal from 1939 to 1965. During her tenure a devoted team of teachers worked hard with fortitude to make the college one of the best colleges under Calcutta University. The Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University was so pleased with the progress and work ethics of the college that he readily agreed to admit it to the privileges of the university by extending affiliations up to honors level in Arts.
Sivasagar girls’ College
The premier Girls’ College in Sivasagar District exclusively meant for Women Higher Education in educating the women of this region.
This College was established in 1964 as a Sivasagar Girls’ College on the bank of BorPhukhuri and near the famous Siva-Dol. This College having both Arts and Science streams for both Degree and Higher Secondary Level serves the need of Higher Education for women of this region. This College have Hostel Facility for girls’ students from distant places, for better education well stocked library with reading room facility is available in the college premises. This College also have Common Room with minor games facilities for the mental growth of the students.
The performance of the students from this College in Higher Secondary and Degree Examination is consistently good. Particularly in the last three years the best candidate in the district in Higher Secondary & Degree Examination were from this College.
Many renowned female personalities in Assam are the ex-students of this College.
This College was established in 1964 as a Sivasagar Girls’ College on the bank of BorPhukhuri and near the famous Siva-Dol. This College having both Arts and Science streams for both Degree and Higher Secondary Level serves the need of Higher Education for women of this region. This College have Hostel Facility for girls’ students from distant places, for better education well stocked library with reading room facility is available in the college premises. This College also have Common Room with minor games facilities for the mental growth of the students.
The performance of the students from this College in Higher Secondary and Degree Examination is consistently good. Particularly in the last three years the best candidate in the district in Higher Secondary & Degree Examination were from this College.
Many renowned female personalities in Assam are the ex-students of this College.
Functioning of colleges and schools in Assam:
According to the University Grants Commission (UGC), 27 Government Colleges and 185 Private Colleges are functioning in Assam under Section 2(f) and 12(b) of the UGC Act, 1956.
Kendriya Vidyalayas are composite co-educational schools having classes from I to XII. At present 50 Kendriya Vidyalayas are functional in the state of Assam. The total number of students in these Kendriya Vidyalayas is 18,248 (as on 30th September, 2007) and 1,272 teachers are in position.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has a mandate to establish one Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) in each district of the country. These Vidyalayas are meant for imparting education to the children from Class VI to Class XII and are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE). These Vidyalayas are co-educational and residential in nature.
27 JNVs have been sanctioned in the state of Assam. There is no provision to set up lower primary level JNVs in the country as well as in Assam. Hence, there are no students in the JNVs at lower primary level.
There are 165 Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs), 180 Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) and 114 Miscellaneous Category Teachers working in the JNVs in Assam.
According to the Central board of Secondary Education (CBSE), as on 31st December, 2007 there were 136 schools including 69 unaided independent private schools affiliated with CBSE.
CBSE does not maintain the data about the total number of teachers and the number of students of its affiliated schools.
However, the number of students registered with CBSE for board exam from the state of Assam during the year 2007-08 were 7188 (Class X), 5388 (Class XII), 7740 (class X) 6164 (Class XII) respectively.
Under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), there are 42,667 schools in the state of Assam and the number of students and teachers are 41,94,417 and 1,55,922 respectively.
The Mid-day-Meal scheme covers children studying at primary stage of education in Government, Local Body and Government-aided schools and centers run under Education Granted Scheme / Alternative and Innovative Scheme. The scheme has been extended up to the upper primary stage of education i.e. up to class VIII with effect from 1st October, 2007 in 3479 educational backward blocks of the country including 81 blocks of state of Assam. The scheme does not cover children studying in privately managed and unaided institutions.
Some schools of Assam:
Sl. No. Educational Institution Name and Address Exam
1 Air Force School, Afs Jorhat, Jorhat, CBSE CLASS X
2 Army School, Missamari, Sonitpur, CBSE CLASS X
3 Army School, Solmara, Sonitpur, CBSE CLASS X
4 Army School, Basistha 151 Base Hospital c/o 99 Apo Sonitpur, CBSE CLASS X
5 Army School,Dinjan,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
6 Army School, Narangi Satagaon,Guwahati, CBSE CLASS XII
7 Assam Rifles School, H Q Arunachal And Assam Range, Nafabari,Jorhat,CBSE CLASS X
8 Assam Sainik School, P.O. Rajapara, Golpara, CBSE CLASS XII
9 Assumption School, Chokihola,p.O. 782475,Karbi Anglong,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
12 Budding Bugs School,D M Lohia Road,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
13 Carmel School,Digboi, Upper Assam,Tinsukia,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
14 Carmel School,Cinnamara .P.O. Jorhat. ICSE
15 Carmel School,Tezpur,Sonitpur, CBSE CLASS X
16 Carmel School, Digboi upper Assam, Digboi,ICSE
17 Christ Jyothi High School, Prem Nagar, dhing Road, Nagaon,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
18 Christ King High School, Gogamukh, North Lakhimpur, ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
19 Christ The King School, Sojong, dongkamokam, w. Karbi Anglong, ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
20 Delhi Public School, O N G C, Nazira,CBSE CLASS X
21 Delhi Public School,Iocl Township, digboi, Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
22 Delhi Public School, Brpl Complex, dhaligaon,Bongaigoan,CBSE CLASS X
23 Delhi Public School,Oil India Ltd po Duliajan,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS X
24 Delhi Public School,Numaligarh, c/o Numaligarh Refinery Township,Golaghat, CBSE CLASS XII
25 Don Bosco Girls High School,Ursuline Convent, p.O. Cinnamara,Jorhat,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
26 Don Bosco High School,Hojai,Nagaon,CBSE CLASS XII
27 Don Bosco High School,Mikamulsatra,Tezpur,CBSE CLASS XII
28 Don Bosco High School,Nizkamulsatra,Tezpur,CBSE CLASS XII
29 Don Bosco High School,Lumding,Nagaon,CBSE CLASS XII
30 Don Bosco High School,Dimakuchi, gogamukh,Darang,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
31 Don Bosco High School,Mangaladai,Darang,CBSE CLASS XII
32 Don Bosco High School,Damra,Goalpara,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
34 Don Bosco High School,Silapathar,CBSE CLASS XII
35 Don Bosco High School,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
36 Don Bosco High School,Maligaon,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
37 Don Bosco High School,Sonaighuli sawkuchi.Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
38 Don Bosco High School,Bengtol, Kokrajhar, ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
39 Don Bosco High School,Diphu east Karbi anglong,CBSE CLASS XII
40 Don Bosco High School BoysConvoy Road, Dibrugarh,ASSAM SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION
41 Don Bosco School,Kokrajhar,CBSE CLASS X
42 Don Bosco School,Sashipur, daranga,Nalbari,ICSE
43 Don Bosco School,Doom Dooma,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
44 Don Bosco School. Po Kunwari bhagchung, Jorhat,CBSE CLASS XII
45 Don Bosco School, Jirikyndeng kheroni west Karbi Anglong,CBSE CLASS XII
46 Don Bosco School,Umswai jagi Road west Karbi Anglong,CBSE CLASS XII
47 Don Bosco School,North Chachar Hills,Haflong,CBSE CLASS XII
48 Don Bosco School, Hamren, Haflong,CBSE CLASS XII
49 Don Bosco School,Station Road amguri,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
50 Dreamflower School, B R P L Complex,Dhaligaon,CBSE CLASS X
51 Faculty Sr Secondary School,G.N.B. Road, ambari,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
52 Fansalian High School,Dhemaji,Assam,CBSE CLASS XII
53 Fransalian High School,Dhemaji,Jonai,CBSE CLASS XII
54 Gauhati Public School,Bamuni Maidan,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
55 Gauhati Public School,Panjabari,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
56 Guru Teg Bahadur AcademyAt/po/distt Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
57 Gurukul Grammar School,Pub-Gita Nagar Zoo Narengi Road.Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
58 Happy Convent School,G T B Road,Dhuburi,CBSE CLASS X
59 Hfc Model School,Namrup,Parbatpur,CBSE CLASS XII
60 Hindustani Kendriya Vidyalaya,Dinesh Ojha Road, bhangagarh,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
61 Holy Child School,Krishna Nagar,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
62 Holy Child School,Hijuguri,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
63 Holy Cross School,Silchar,CBSE CLASS XII
64 Holy Family School,Via Dhanseri east Karbi anglong,Japrajan,CBSE CLASS XII
65 Holy Name School,P B No. 25,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
66 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Kalaigaon,Darang,CBSE CLASS X
67 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Howly dist Barpeta,CBSE CLASS X
68 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Doomardallong po Bamunbari,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS X
69 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Gossiagaon po Ranchaidham,Kokrajhar,CBSE CLASS X
70 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Dudhnoi,Golpara,CBSE CLASS X
71 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Lakhimpuri Distt Po Bihpuria,Lakhinpur,CBSE CLASS X
72 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Mirza,Kamrup,CBSE CLASS X
73 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Morigaon,Morigaon,CBSE CLASS X
74 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Sensowa No 2 po Chinatoli,Golaghat,CBSE CLASS X
75 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Diphu,Karbi Anglong,CBSE CLASS XII
76 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Kadamani po Chariali,Sonitpur,CBSE CLASS XII
77 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Purana Titabar,Jorhat,CBSE CLASS X
78 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Pailapool po- Pailapool,Cachar,CBSE CLASS X
79 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Womens I T I Campus po Borgui,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
80 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Mukalmua(kaldi) po Bartala,Nalbari,CBSE CLASS XII
81 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Ramakrishna Nagar P.O., karimganj,CBSE CLASS XII
82 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,po Lakshmisahar,Hailakandi,CBSE CLASS X
83 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Tom-Tom Tola Po- Chakimukh,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
84 Jyoti Niwas High School,Jagiroad,Marigaon,CBSE CLASS XII
85 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Cachar, HPC, panchgram,Hailakandi,CBSE CLASS XII
86 Kendriya Vidyalaya,S.S.B. Haflong, n.C.Hills,Haflong,CBSE CLASS XII
87 Kendriya Vidyalaya,O N G C, srikona,Silchar,CBSE CLASS XII
88 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Ongc, nazira,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
89 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Settlement Road,Karimganj,CBSE CLASS X
90 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Hijuguri Railway Colony,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
91 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Lekhapani,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
92 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Po Sookreting, doom Dooma,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
93 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Masimpur po- Arunachal,Cachar,CBSE CLASS X
94 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Jorhat Air Force Station po7 dist- Jorhat,CBSE CLASS XII
95 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Nagaon,CBSE CLASS XII
96 Kendriya Vidyalaya,H.P.C.L., jagiroad,Nagaon,CBSE CLASS XII
97 Kendriya Vidyalaya,New Railway Lumding,Nagaon,CBSE CLASS XII
98 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Missa Cantt, Nagaon,CBSE CLASS X
99 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Lokra,Sonitpur,CBSE CLASS XII
100 Kendriya Vidyalaya,P.O. Shibajinagar, missamari,Sonitpur,CBSE CLASS XII
101 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Hatimatha,Kokrajhar,CBSE CLASS XII
102 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Narangi, satgaon,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
103 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Crpf, amerigog,six Mile,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
104 Kendriya Vidyalaya,I.O.C.,noonmati,kamrup,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
105 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Borjhar,mountain Shadow P.O.,azara,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
106 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Khanapara,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
107 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Maligaon, dist Kamrup,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
108 Kendriya Vidyalaya,A.F.S.,kumbhirgram,Cachar,CBSE CLASS XII
109 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Silchar,Cachar,CBSE CLASS XII
110 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Dholcher,Cachar,CBSE CLASS X
111 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Police Reserve Colony,Nangaon,CBSE CLASS XII
112 Kendriya Vidyalaya,P.O. Gautam Bast, khatkhati,Karbi,CBSE CLASS X
113 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Cci,Bokajan - Assam CBSE CLASS XII
114 Kendriya Vidyalaya,New Bongaigaon,nf Railway,Bongaigoan,CBSE CLASS XII
115 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Panbari, b.S.F. Campus, alamganj,Dhuburi,CBSE CLASS X
116 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Via- Panitola,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
117 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Chabua Air Force Satation,chabua,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
118 Kendriya Vidyalaya,H.F.C. Namrup, p.O. Parbatpur,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
119 Kendriya Vidyalaya,#42, wing Afs, mohanbari,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS X
120 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Distt Karbi anglong,Diphu,CBSE CLASS XII
121 Kendriya Vidyalaya,Oil India Limited duliajan,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
122 Kendriya Vidyalaya,No.1P.O. Dekargaon,Tezpur,CBSE CLASS XII
123 Kendriya Vidyalaya, No.1Ongc Colony,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
124 Kendriya Vidyalaya, No.2A.F.S. Tezpur, p.O. Salanibari,Sonitpur,CBSE CLASS XII
125 Kendriya Vidyalaya, No.2New Ongc Colony, cinnamara,Jorhat,CBSE CLASS XII
126 Kristo Jyoti School,Bokakhat,Golaghat,CBSE CLASS XII
127 Kristu Jyoti School,East Karbi Analong,Dokmoka,CBSE CLASS XII
128 Little Flower School,Hatigaon dispur,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
129 Little Flower School,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
130 Little Flower School,Hidim Teron Village east Karbi Analong,Morigaon,CBSE CLASS XII
131 Maharishi Vidya Mandir,Silpukhuri,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
132 Maria'S Public School,Birkuchi Narangi,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
133 Montfort School,Baghy Po B No 41,Golaghat,CBSE CLASS XII
134 Montfort School.P O Bo No 14 chabua.Dibrugarh.CBSE CLASS XII
135 National School.Near Ganesh Mandir new Guwahati.Guwahati.CBSE CLASS X
136 Neepco School.Umrangso,N C Hills,CBSE CLASS X
137 Oil Valley School,Bogapani Colony p O Bogapani,Digboi,CBSE CLASS X
138 Sacred Heart ConventGolaghat,Golaghat,CBSE CLASS XII
139 Sacred Heart Convent,Golaghat,CBSE CLASS XII
140 Sacred Heart High School,Mazgaon,Tezpur,CBSE CLASS XII
141 Sacred Heart High School,Udalguri,CBSE CLASS XII
142 Sacred Heart High School,Rowta,CBSE CLASS XII
143 Sacred Heart School,North Cachar Hills,Umrongso,CBSE CLASS XII
144 Sboa Public School,Nh 37 Gorchuk,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
145 Shrimanta Shankar Academy,Dispur,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS X
146 St. Agnes School,N C Hills,Haflong,CBSE CLASS XII
147 St. Anthonys High School,Gossaigaon,Kokrajhar,CBSE CLASS XII
148 St. Francis Assisi School,Po Borhala rajabari,Jorhat,CBSE CLASS XII
149 St. Francis Xaviers High School,Dotma,Kokrajhar,CBSE CLASS XII
150 St. Johns High School,Barama,Nalbari,CBSE CLASS XII
151 St. Josephs Boys High School,Barpeta Road,Barpeta CBSE CLASS XII
152 St. Josephs High School,Baganpara,Nalbari,CBSE CLASS XII
153 St. Josephs High School,Tezpur,CBSE CLASS XII
154 St. Josephs High School,Moranhat,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
155 St. Josephs School,Sonari,Sibsagar,CBSE CLASS XII
156 St. Josephs School,Dolomara pb No 8 karbi Analong,Bokakhat,CBSE CLASS XII
157 St. Marys Convent,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
158 St. Marys Girls High School,Barpeta Road,Barpeta,CBSE CLASS XII
159 St. Marys Girls High School,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
160 St. Marys Girls High School,Maligaon,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
161 St. Marys High School,Pb No 19,North Lakhimpur,CBSE CLASS XII
162 St. Marys School,Marherita,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
163 St. Marys School,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
164 St. Marys School,C/o Bishops House east Karbi Analong,Diphu,CBSE CLASS XII
165 St. Xavier'S School,Harmutty, merbil,Lakhinpur,CBSE CLASS X
166 The Assam Valley School,P.O. And T.O. Balipara,Sonitpur,ISC, ICSE
167 The Little Stars School,Borbil No 1, digboi,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
168 The Little Stars School,Borbil No 2, digboi,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
169 The Miles Bronson Resid School,Kahikuchi Borjhar,Guwahati,CBSE CLASS XII
170 Tinsukia English Academy,Manav Kalyan Namghar Road,cheerpatty,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS X
171 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,East Chowkidingee,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS X
172 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,Mission Road,Golaghat,CBSE CLASS X
173 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,Kendra Prathishthan, p.O. Laipuli Via,Panitola, CBSE CLASS XII
174 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,Baragolai,Dibrugarh,CBSE CLASS XII
175 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (nec)Baragolai Po Margherita,Tinsukia,CBSE CLASS XII
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