For a truly memorable wild adventure, Assam is one of the best destination where one can encounter a great variety of wildlife . It forms part of a global bio-diversity ‘Hotspot’. A wide variety of habitate exists in the State ranging from low lying swamps, marshes an wet Savannah grassland to subtropical broadleaf forests, tropical wet evergreen rain forest and tropical deciduous forest. The five National Parks, seven wildlife sanctuaries and three bird sanctuaries are the treasure house where a large number of rare flora and fauna could be seen. About 180 species of mammals, are found in Assam which includes globally endangered species such as Golden Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Pigmy hogs, Hispid Hare, white-winged Wood-duck, Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Elephant, Swamp Deer, Gangetic Dolphin etc. More than 800 species of birds and about 195 species of reptiles are found in Assam .
Assam Forest related Fcts and Statstics
Major Types of Forests
Tropical Wet Evergreen,
Tropical Semi-Evergreen,
Tropical Moist Deciduous,
Sub Tropical Broad Leaved Hill,
Sub Tropical Pine and Littoral,
Swamp Forests.
General Information of the State
Area :78,438 Sq. Km. (2.4 % of Country)
Latitude : 240 44' N to 270 45'
Longitude : 890 41' E to 960 02'
Annual Rainfall : Max. - 305 cm. Min. - 178 cm.
Average - 211.76 cm. (2002-03)
Season Max. / Min.
Summer ---350C/180C
Winter ----260C/ 70C
Average Humidity : 83.0 %
Total Population :
2,66,55,528 (2001 Census)- 2.6 % of Country
2,88,11,000 (projected Approx. in 2005)
Average Population density : 340 persons/ Sq. Km. (2001)
Sex Ratio : 932 : 1000 (2001 provisional)
Literacy Rate : 64.28 % (2001)
Live stock Population : 16.06 million - 3.4 % of Country
No. of Districts: 27 Nos. (3 in BTAD)
No. of Villages: 26,247 Nos. (2001)
No. Autonomous District Councils: 3 Nos.
Length of Brahmaputra River: 640 Km.
Length of Barak River : 225 Km.
Hydro Power potential of the State : 28 % of the Country
Per capita Net D.P of the State in 2002-03 : Rs. 6,220.00 (Quick)
Total Revenue collection of State in 2002-03 : Rs. 6,793.34 Crore
Total No. of Wetlands : 3,513 Nos.
Total Wasteland percentage to State Area : 19.29 %
Recorded Forest Area (State Forest Deptt. record, as on 31.12.2005)
Reserved Forest - 312 Nos. : 13,870 Sq. Km. (17.68% of State Geo Area)
Proposed Reserved Forest - 145 Nos. :3,103 Sq. Km.
Unclassed State Forest: 5,865 Sq. Km.
Protected Area Network - 25 Nos. : 3,925 Sq. Km. ( 5% of State's Geo Area)
Total Recorded Forest Area: 26,748 Sq. Km.
* Constitution of Reserved Forests since 1878 in Assam
Data on Forest & Tree Cover Area (State of Forest Report 2003, of F.S.I)
Percentage of Forest & Tree Cover to Total Geographical Area : 36.67 %
Percentage of Forest Cover to Total Geographical Area : 24.58 %
Area of Forest Cover : 27,826 Sq. Km.(3.2 % of Country's F.C).
Area of Tree Cover : 935 Sq. Km.
Total Area of Forest & Tree Cover : 28,761 Sq. Km.
Percentage of R.F. area to Geographical Area : 18.60 %
Per capita Forest & Tree Cover : 0.11 Hact.
Extent of Water bodies within F.C : 359 Sq. Km. with 1.29 % of Forest Cover
Growing Stock Volume (FSI, 2003)
Inside forest - 251.571 Million Cu. Mt.
Outside Forest -.5.150 Million Cu. Mt
Forest Cover
Very Dense : 1,684 Sq. Km.
Moderately Dense: 11,358 Sq. Km.
Degraded /Open Forests : 14,784 Sq. Km
Total : 27,826 Sq. Km.
Total estimated Area under Encroachment up to 31.03. 2003 : 3,555 Sq. Km.
Total estimated Encroacher Households, as on 31.03.2003 : 70,149 Households
Forest Villages
Total Number: 499 Nos.
Area: 538,35 Sq. Km. (0.69 % of R.F. area)
Total Population: 2,34,113 Nos. (approx.)
Forest Fringe Villages: 3,000 Nos. (approx.)
Status of Joint Forest Management (JFM) under National Afforestation Programme (NAP) in Asom
No. of Forest Development Agencies: 28 Nos.
JFM Committees (JFMC) constituted: 700 Nos.
No. of J.F.M Committees under NAP: 550 Nos. (36nos.Jhum Rehab.)
Population : 3,21,103
Total Households : 57,341
No. of Forest Villages: 90
No. of Revenue Villages: 460
Total wage employment generated under N.A.P up to 31.12.2005: 15,94,828 Nos.
Biodiversity estimation of Asom
3017 : species of Flowering Plants
+193: species of Wild Orchids
42: species of Bamboos & 14 species of Canes
164+ : species of Mammals
9: species of Primates
800+: species of Birds (280 Migratory birds)
60+ :species of Amphibians
1500 :species of Butterflies (approx.)
116 :species of Reptiles (approx.)
Outturn of Forest Products
Social Forestry Parks Constructed (from 1984 to 2005)
SI. No. Name, Location,S.F Division, Year of Creation
1 Green Park, Jorhat, Golaghat, 1984-85
2 Kohora Memorial Park, Kohora, Golaghat, 1985-86
3 Horn Bill, Dharamtul, Nagaon, 1985-86
4 Rhino Land, Ghurakati,Nagaon,1985-86
5 Swahid Park, Nalbari,Nalbari,1987-88
6 Swahid Smriti, KoliabarNagaon1989-90
7 Rup Konwar Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, Bhulaguri-Tea EstateBiswanathCharali 1989-90
8 Morikolong, NagaonNagaon1987-88
9 Swahid Park, Bhabanipur, Barpeta1989-90
10 Bijni Park, BijniKokrajhar1988-89
11 Highway Park, GoroimariKokrajhar1988-89
12 Florican Park, GourangkhasDhubri1989-90
13 Tangla Park, TanglaMangaldoi1989-90
14 Lampara Park, LamparaGuwahati1989-90
15 Padumani Park, Padumani ThanLakhimpur1989-90
16 Saraighat Park, AmingaonGuwahati1987-88
17 B.R. Ambedkar, Mangaldoi Mangaldoi 1987-88
18 Noaboicha, NoaboichaLakhimpur1987-88
19 Abhayapuri, AbhayapuriBongaigaon1987-88
20 Dubapara, DubaparaGoalpara1987-88
21 Sonai, SilcharSilchar1987-88
22 Duhalia VanUdyan, DuhaliaKarimganj1987-88
23 Ramkrishna Nagar, Ramkrishna NagarKarimganj1990-91
24 Rajabari, RajabariGolaghat1990-91
25 Napukhuri, SibsagarSibsagar1991-92
26 Dudhnoi, DudhnoiGoalpara1991-92
27 Mini Park, JalukbariGuwahati1991-92
28 Chandika, ChaygaonGuwahati1991-92
29 Dol-Mandir, BatadravaNagaon1991-92
30 River-View, GuwahatiGuwahati1991-92
31 Siv-Dol, SivsagarSibsagar1991-92
32 Kutabari,KutabariGoalpara2004-05
33 Bio-Diversity Park,KohoraGolaghat2004-05
A Botanical Garden is being established at Basistha by the Research Wing from 2005 onwards.
Another Herbal Garden has come up at Jokai under Dibrugarh Territorial Division.
Licensed Wood Based Industries
Plywood Mills: 15
Veneer Mills: 03
Saw Mills: 132
Departmental Saw Mills: 2
Timber Treatment and Seasoning Plant at Makum: 1
Names of Protected Area Network in Asom with Area, as in 2005
Total area under National Parks & W.L Sanctuaries in 2005 : 3,925 Sq. Km.
National Parks
SL No.: Name of P. A: Location (District):Area in Sq.Km.: Date of Notification
1. Kaziranga NP, Golaghat, Nagoan & Sonitpur, 430.00, 11-02-74
1st addition-
2nd - (Proposed)
3rd - (Proposed)
4th -
5th - (Proposed)
2. Manas NP: Chirang & Baksa: 500.00: 07-09-90
3. Dibru- Saikhowa NP: Dibrugarh&Tinsukia: 340.00: 05-03-95
4.Nameri NP: Sonitpur: 200.00: 13-08-98
5. Orang Rajiv Gandhi NP: Udalguri & Sonitpur: 78.81: 08-04-99
Wildlife Sanctuaries
1. Garampani WLS: Karbi Anglong: 06.05: 10-07-52
2. Laokhowa WLS: Nagoan: 70.13: 06-09-79
3. Bornadi WLS: Udalguri: 26.22: 22-08-80
4. Chakrasila WLS: Kokraihar: 45.56: 14-07-94
5. Burachapori WLS: Sonitpur: 44.06: 11-07-95
6. Panidihina Birds Sanctuary: Sibsagar:33.93: 18-12-95
7. Hollongapar Gibbon WLS: Jorhat: 20.98:30-07-97
8. Pobitora WLS:Morigoan: 38.81: 17-03-98
9. Sonai-Rupai WLS: Sonitpur: 220.00: 04-09-98
10. Bherjan-Borajan-Padumoni WLS: Tinsukia: 07.22: 13-10-99
11. East Karbi Anqlong WLS: Karbi Anglong: 221.81: 27-07-00
12. Nambor WLS: Karbi Anglong: 37.00: 27-07-00
13. Moral Lonari WLS: Karbi Analong: 451.00: 17-04-03
14. Nambor-Doiquruna WLS: Golaghat: 97.15: 31-08-03
15. Amchana WLS: Kamrup (Metro): 78.64: 19-06-04
16. Dihing-Patkai WLS: Dibrugarh &Tinsukia: 111.19: 19-06-04
17. Borail WLS: Cachar Karimganj: 326.25: 19-06-04
Proposed WLS/ Bird Sanctuary
1. Deepar Beel WLS: Kamrup (Metro): 4.14: 12-01-89
2. Bordoibum-Beelmukh BS: Lakhimpur, Dhemaji: 11.25: 03-07-96
3. North Karbi Anglong WLS: Karbi Anglong: 96.00: 27-07-00
Others -
Tiger Reserves
1. Manas TR: Kokrajhar, Chirang, Baksa, Udalguri: 2837.12: 1973
2. Nameri TR: Sonitpur: 344.00: 01-03-2000
3. Kaziranga TR: Nagaon, Golaghat, Sonitpur: 858.98: 2006
Elephant Reserves
1. Chirang-Ripu ER: Kokrajhar, Chirang, Baksa, Udalguri:2600.00: 06-03-03
2. Sonitpur ER: Sonitpur: 1420.00: 07-03-03
3. Dining Patkai ER : Dibrugarh & Tinsukia: 937.00: 07-04-03
4.Kaziranga-KarbiAnglong ER:Sonitpur,Nagoan,Golaghat & Karbi Anglong: 3270.00: 17-04-03
5. Dhansiri-Lungding ER: Karbi Anglong, Nagoan & N.C.Hills: 2740.00: 19-04-03
Biosphere Reserves
1. Manas BR: Kokrajhar, Chirang, Baksa, Udalguri: 2837.00: 14-03-89
2. Dibru-Saikhowa BR: Dibrugarh & Tinsukia: 765.00: 28-07-97
World Natural Heritage Sites
1. Manas WHS: Chirang & Baksa: 500.00: 1985
2. Kaziranga WHS: Nagoan & Golaghat: 430.00 : 1985
Estimation of Flagship Species in the Protected Areas
Tiger :
Name of PA : 1993 : 1997: 2000
Kaziranga NP : 72 : 80 : 85
Manas NP: 81: 89 :65
R.G Orang NP: 15 : 16: 19
Dibru Saikhowa NP: 27: 29:31
Nameri NP : 25: 29: 26
Barmodi WLS: -: 3: 3
Laokhowa WLS: -: 8: 11
Burachapori WLS: -: -: 6
H. Gibbon WLS: -: -: 2
Sonai Rupai WLS: -: -: 12
Chakrasila WLS : -: -: 4
Total: 220: 254: 264
Name of PA: 1999: 2006
Kaziranga NP: 1552: 1855
R.G. Orang NP: 46: 68
Pabitora WLS: 74: 81
Laokhowa WLS: -:1
Manas NP: -: 1
Total: 1672: 2006
Elephant Population
Year: Number
1993 - 5524
1997- 5312
* in 5 Elephant Reserves only
Two 'World Heritage Sites'
Manas & Kaziranga
Faunal diversity of Assam
Groups : Species
Mammals : 164 (85 Genera)+
Birds : 800+
Amphibian: 60+
Reptiles: 116 (Snake-58, Gharial-1, Turtle-18, Lizard-39)
Fish :70+
Assam State Zoo cum Botanical Garden (estd. in 1957), as on 31.03.2006
Area : 175.0 Hact.
Category: Large Zoo
Total Animal Species Housed/ Exhibited : 91
Species Population : 640 Nos
Exhibits: Species: Population
Mammals: 44: 423
Birds: 31 : 179
Reptiles: 16 : 38
Housing of Endangered Species (Schedule I & II) in 2005-06
Fauna : 47 Species - Population = 208 Nos.
Exotic Species in 2005-06
Fauna : 8 Species - Population = 86 Nos.
Success of Captive Breeding in 2005-06
Indigenous Species : 12 Nos.
Hybrid Species : 1 No. - Populations = 10 Nos. (Lion)
Floral Fantasy - The Botanical Garden
Indigenous Plants: 345 Spps.
Exotic Plants: 280 Spps.
Orchids: 44 Spps.
Bambusetum of 10 Mac. Area: 10 Spps.
The Herbarium collection: About 2000 sheets of 550 Spps. of N.E. R Flora
The Museum Collection
Trophies, Specimen, Mounted skin & M.F.P etc. of N.E.R.
No. of Visitors
In 2004-05 : 3,92,552 (Indian) + 84 (Foreigner)
In 2005-06 : 6,14,998 (Indian) + 172 (Foreigner)
Visitor facilities:
Animal Tales, Riding the Jumbo, The Jogger's Trail, Into the Dark Woods, Towering Heights, Energy High, Elephant Procession etc.
Important Informations on the Protected Areas of the State
National Parks of Assam
Area in Sq. km:
Main attractions:
Nearest Town:
Contact Person:
Telephone : India Code +91
1.Kaziranga NP:
Rhino, Tiger, Asian Elephant, Gibbon, Bengal Florican, Asiatic Wild Buffalo, Swamp Deer
Bokakhat: Director, Kaziranga National Park
03776-268086 (R)
2.Manas NP
Tiger, Asiatic Wild buffalo, Asian Elephant, Pigmy hog, Golden langur, Bengal florican, Hispid hare
Barpeta Road National Park
Director, Manas
03666-260288 (R)
3.Dibru-Saikhowa NP
Feral horses, White winged wood duck, Asiatic Wild buffalo and Salix swamp.
DFO, Tinsukia Wildlife Division
0374-2333082 (R)
4.Nameri NP
Tiger, White Winged wood duck, Four species of Hornbill, Golden Mahaseer.
DFO, Western Assam Wildlife Division
03712-268054(0) 268003 (R)
Rajiv Gandhi Orang NP
Rhino, Tiger, Bengal Florican.
DFO, Mangaldoi Wildlife Division
Wildlife Sanctuaries of Assam
Area in Sq.Km.
Species of Interest, Main Habitat type etc.
Nearest Town
Contact Person/Address
Telephone-India Code (+91)
Elephants, Hot water-Sulphur Springs
DFO, Karbi Anglong East Division
03671-172237(0) 273303 (R)
Elephant, Tiger, Bengal Florican, Asiatic Wild Buffalo
DFO, Nagaon Wildlife Division
03672-225632(0) 223122 (R)
Hispid Hare, Pygmy Hog, Elephants, Tiger
DFO, Mangoldoi Wildlife Division
Golden Langur, Gaur
DFO, Kokrajhar Wildlife Division
Elephants, Aquatic Birds, Tiger, Bengal Florican
DFO, Western Assam Wildlife Division
03712-268003 (R)
Migratory Birds, Elephants, Wetland
DFO, Sibsagar Division
03772-220989(0) 223465 (R)
7.Hollongapar Gibbon
7 Primates (Hoolock Gibbon, Stump- tailed Macaque, Capped Langur, Pig-tailed Macaque, Assamese Macaque, Slow Loris and Rhesus Macaque.
DFO, Jorhat Division
0376-2320008(0) 2320456 (R)
Rhino, Migratory Birds, Leopards, Barking Deer.
DFO, Guwahati Wildlife Division
0361 -2550207 (P) 94350-31789 (M)
9.Sonai -Rupai
White Winged wood duck, Elephant, Tiger, Gaur.
DFO, Sonitpur West Division
03712-220093(0) 220091 (R)
Hoolock Gibbon, Capped Langur, Pig-tailed, Macaque, Macaque, Slow Loris and Rhesus Macaque
DFO, TinsukJaV^d^f, 4> ... Life Division.
0374-2331472(0) 2333082 (R)
11.EastKarbi Anglong
Gaur, Elephants, Tiger, Hoolock Gibbon,
DFO, Karbi Anglong East Division
Gaur , Elephants, Hoolock Gibbon.
DFO, Karbi Anglong East Division
13.Marat Lonari
Tigers, Leopards, Gaur , Elephants, Hoolock Gibbon.
DFO. Karbi Anglong West Division
03671-272247(0) 273303(R)
Gaur, Elephants, Hoolock Gibbon.
DFO, Golaghat Division
03774-284798(0) 284997 (R)
Elephant, Gaur, Leopard.
DFO, Guwahati Wildlife Division
0361 -2550207 (P)
94350 -31789 (M)
16.Dining -Patkai
Hoolock Gibbon, Elephants, White Winqed wood duck, Tiqer & Rain Forest
DFO, Digboi Division
03751 -264433(0) 2S4839IR)
Serow, Himalayan Black bear, Hoolock Gibbon.
DFO, Cachar Division
03842-245648(0) 245fi47(R)
Proposed Wildlife sancturies of Assam
1.Deepar Beel
Migratory Birds, Elephant
DFO, Guwahati Wildlife Division
0361-2550207 (P),
2.Bardoibam Beelmukh
Migratory Birds
North Lakhimpur
DFO, Dhemaji Div. DFO, Lakhimpur Div.
03753-225026 (0)
3.North Karbi Anglong
Elephant, Hoolock, Gibbon, Tiger, Capped Langur
DFO, Karbi Anglong East Division
03671-272237(0) 273303 (R)
Best time for visit - November to April
Reserve forest in Assam
Conservation Kaleidoscope
Name: Number: Remarks
National Park: 5
Wildlife Sanctuaries: 20
(Including 3 proposed):
Tiger Reserves: 2 (Manas, Nameri)
Biosphere Reserve: 2 (Dibru Saikhowa, Manas)
World Heritage Site: 2 (Kaziranga, Manas)
Ramsar Site: 1 (Deepar Beel)
Important Bird Area (IBA): 46
Elephant Reserves: 5
Kaziranga National Park, the oldest in Assam lies partly in Golaghat District and partly in the Nagaon District of Assam. It covers an area of 430 square Kilometre. The landscape of Kaziranga is of sheer forest, tall elephant grass, rugged reeds, marshes and shallow pools. Kaziranga has been declared as National Park in 1974. It is also a World Heritage Site.
Wildlife To Be Seen
Rhinoceros, Elephant, Indian Bison, Buffalo , Swamp Deer, Sambar, Hog Deer, Sloth Bear, Tiger, Leopard, Jungle Cat, Hog Badger, Capped Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Jackal, Goose, Hombills, Ibis, Cormorants, Egret, Heron, Fishing Eagle etc. During winter a large number of migratory birds are seen here.
How To Get There
Kaziranga is 217 Kms from Guwahati and 96 Kms. From Jorhat by road. The nearest airport is Rowriah (Jorhat) . Tourist can either fly to Jorhat or can go by car and bus to Kaziranga from Guwahati. The nearest rail head is Furkating.
Conducted Tours
Assam Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. Operates conducted tours to Kaziranga during season. The private Tour operators are also operating tours to Kaziranga National Park. Reservation Authority : Sr. Manager (Tours and travels), ATDC Ltd., Dr. B. Baruah Road, Guwahati-781007; Telephone : 0361-2454570, 2454421.
Where To Stay
Tourist Lodges at Kaziranga, Hotel Wild Grass, Bon Habi Resort and other inspection bungalows like Forest IB, Soil conservation IB, etc. For reservation at Tourist Lodges please contact the Dy. Director, Tourism, Kaziranga National park, Kaziranga. Tel (03776) 262423, 262429 .
Park Visit
By Jeep, Car or on Elephant back.
November to April .
Woolen in Winter and Light cotton in Summer.
The only Tiger project in Assam, Manas is one of the India’s most magnificent National Parks. Situated at the foot hills of Himalaya, it is well known as one of the World heritage sites having its unique combination of scenic beauty and rare wealth of wildlife. It covers an area of 519.77 Sq.Km. The core area is 360 Kms. The rare species of Manas are Hispid Hare, Pigmy Hog and Golden Langur. Rhinoceros, Wild Buffalo, Tiger etc. Other common animals are Elephant, Leopard Clouded Leopard, Himalayan Bear, Wild Boar, Samber, Swamp Deer, Hog Deer etc. Hundreds of winged species migrate to the friendly climate of Manas during Winter. Among them are river chats (White Capped Redstars) Forktails, Cormorants and types of ducks including the Ruddy Shelduck The woodland birds are no less charming and include the Indian Hornbill and the Great Pied Hornbill.
How To Get There
Manas is 176 Kms. From Guwahati, the nearest Airport is Lokapriya Gopinath Bardoloi Airport, Guwahati. The nearest roadhead is Barpeta Road which is 136 Kms, from Guwahati. Manas is about 40 Kms. From Barpeta Road.
Where To Stay
The tourism Department has two tourist lodges one at Barpeta Road and the other one at Bansbari. The State Forest Department has also two bungalows at Mathanguri inside the forest.
For Tourist Lodges please contact the Tourist Information Officer, Barpeta Road (Assam). Tel. N.o. (03666) 260749. For accommodation Forest Bungalows and sight seeing one has to contact. The Field Director, Project Tiger, Manas. P.O. Barpeta Road (Assam)- 781315, Assam, Ph. No. 03666-260289.
Pobha Or Milroy Sanctuary
Covering an area of 49 Sq.Kms., Pobha Wild Life Sanctuary is situated in Lakhimpur District. It is a sanctuary created exclusively for the protection of the magnificent Wild Water Buffalo. For details please contact the Chief Conservator Forest, Wildlife, Zoo-Narengi Road, Guwahati-Assam.
Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary
This wildlife sanctuary, 175 Sq.Kms in area, is situated in the Sonitpur District. Extending along the Himalayan foothills it offers magnificent view of both scenic beauty and wild life. The sanctuary is the home of Elephant, Indian Bison, Deer and a variety of birds. For visiting this sanctuary, tourist / visitor may contact the Divisional Forest Officer, Western Assam Wildlife Division, Tezpur, District Sonitpur (Assam) or the Tourist Information Officers, Tourism, Govt. of Assam, Tezpur, Sonitpur Dist. Assam.
Situated at the foot hills of eastern Himalayas Nameri National Park covers an area of about 200 Sq. Km. Hills, deciduous forest and the river Jia Bhoroli have added an unique charm to it. It is about 35 Km. From Guwahati.
Wild Life
Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Clouded Leopard, Indian Bison, White-winged Wood-Duck, Sambar, Sloth Bear, Himalayan Black Bear, Pangolin, Jackal, Indian Wild Dog, Civet Cat, Capped langur etc. Various birds including four species of horn bill and reptiles are also found in this National Park.
Where To Stay
The Tourism Department, has a tourist lodges at Bhalukpung which is about 21 Kms. From the Park. There is also a Eco-Camp at Potasali which provides comfortable accommodation and delicious food.
Best Season
November to March.
1) Tourist Information Officer, Bhalukpung. Sonitpur district, Assam. Ph.No. 03782-234037
2) Eco-Camp, Potasali (Nameri National Park) Sonitpur District, Assam. Phone : 9435250025, 95351 45563
3) DFO, Western Assam Wild Life Division Tezpur, Ph. No. :03712-220854,
E-mail: ripman @ gwi. Vsnl. Net. In.
For Park Visit
1) Divisional Forest Officer, Western Assam Wildlife, Division, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam.
2) Range Officer, Nameri National Park, Potasali, P.O. Charduar, Sonitpur District, Assam.
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park, the new of its kind lies partly in Dibrugarh district and partly in the Tinsukia District. It is 13 km. From Tinsukia town which is 483 km. From Guwahati. It covers an area of about 340 Sq.km. Of the seven parts of the park one part is wet land and the rest is mainly grassland and dense forest.
Wildlife To Be Seen
The main attractions of Dibru-Saikhowa National Park are its semiwild horse and White winged Wood-Duck. Other animals are, Leopard, Clouded Langur, Gangetic River Dolphin, Indian Wild dog etc. More than 250 varieties of Local and migratory birds are also found in this Park.
Where To Stay
There is a Forest Inspection Bungalow at Guijan. There is also enough space for tented accommodation. Hotels and Forest Inspection Bungalow at Tinsikia provide comfortable accommodation.
Best Season
November to March.
For Park Visit And Accommodation
Divisional Forest Officer, Tinsukia Wildlife Division, Boragori, P.O. Tinsukia- 786125, Ph : 0374-2331472.
Covering an area of 78.81 Sq.Km. Orang wild life sanctuary is a miniature Kaziranga. It is situated in the North bank of river Brahmaputra. Sixty percent of the sanctuary is grassland. The animals to be seen in this sanctuary are the Great Indian onehorned Rhinoceros, Elephant, Tiger, Sambar, Barking Deer, Pangolin, Hog Deer, Civet Cat, Otters, Wild Boar etc. Various species of birds including Pelican, Cormorant, Greylag Goose, large Whistling Teal, Greater Adjutant Stork, Kingfisher, King Vulture have also found this sanctuary as their ideal habitat.
How to get there
Orang is 150 kms. From Guwahati and 31 kms. From tezpur by road. Roth Govt. and Private buses ply regularly from Guwahati.
Where to stay
The Forest Department has two rent Houses one at Silbori and the other one at Satsimalu inside the forest. As these Rent Houses have limited capacity tourists are, therefore, requested to visit Orang from Tezpur. There are Govt. Tourist Lodge, Circuit house and other private hotels of moderate rates offer comfortable stay. For Govt. Tourist Lodge please contact the Tourist Information Officer, Govt. of Assam, Tezpur, district Sonitpur (assam) Phone (03712) 221016. For Sanctuary visit please contact the Orang Wildlife Division, Ph.No. 03713-230022.
Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary
Situated in the Morigaon District Pobitora is one of the major wildlife sanctuaries of Assam. It is about 50 km. from Guwahati city. Covering an area of 15.9 Sq. Km. Pobitora is mainly famous for its great Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros. Besides Rhinoceros the other animals are Asiatic Buffalo, Leopard, wild Bear, Civet Cat etc. More than 200 birds and various reptiles are found in this sanctuary.
Where To Stay
The forest Department has an Inspection with Bungalow with limited accommodation inside the forest. For Reservation contact DFO Nagaon Wild life Division 03672-225632. Visitors intending to visit Pobitora can visit from Guwahati also.
November to March.
Bura-Chapori Wildlife Sanctuary
Another magnificent wildlife sanctuary is Bura Chapori. It is situated on the south bank of the river Brahmaputra in Sonitpur District. The area is about 44 Sq. km. It is considered to be the ideal habitat for Bengal Florican. Various species of migratory birds are also seen in this sanctuary.Other attractions are the Great Indian one-horned Rhinoceros, Asiatic Deer etc. Various reptiles and fishes are also found here.
Where To Stay
The Forest Department has an Inspection Bungalow at Bura Chapori. Tourists may stay in Govt. Tourist lodge and private hotels at Tezpur. For accommodation at Tourist Lodge, Tezpur Sonitpur District (Assam). For Inspection Bungalow and sanctuary visit please contact the Divisional Forest Officer, Western Assam Wildlife Division, Dolabari, P.O. Tezpur, Sonitpur.
Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary
Covering an area of about 70 Sq. km. Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in Nagaon District. It is only 25 km. From Nagaon Town. Its main attraction is the great Indian one-horned. Rhinoceros. Other animals are Tiger, Leopard, Asiatic Buffalo, Wild Boar, Civet Cat, Leopard Cat, Hog Deer etc. Various species of birds and reptiles are also found in Laokhowa. For accommodation and sanctuary visit please contact:
1) Tourist Informational Officer, Nagaon Tourist Lodge, Nagaon, Assam, Phone (03672) 236446,
2) Divisional Forest Officer, Nagaon Wildlife Division, Nagaon, Assam, Phone (03672) 223104.
Other Wildlife Sanctuaries
1). Chakrasila Wildlife Sanctuary, Dhubri.
2). Bomadi Wildlife Sanctuary, Darrang.
3). Pani Dihing Bird Sanctuary, Sibsagar.
4). Bordoibam Bilmukh Sanctuary, Lakhimpur, Dhemaji.
5). Diporbil Bird Sanctuary, Guwahati.
Some Reserve Forest
1). Holongpar, Jorhat District.
2). Jaipur, Dibrugarh District.
3). Barail, North Cachar District.
4). Dhansiri, Karbi-Anglong District.
5). Ripu-Chirang, Kokrajhar District.
Hello,thank you for the information published in your blog.The blog is really informative and nice.May I suggest you kindly to publish information and add picture of Udalguri district which had a few spectacular tourist places like Bornadi WLS;Khalingduar Reserve forest etc.Can plz visit my blog www.assammind.blogspot.com
Jayanta Kumar Das
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